Chapter 9

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Until the night~

"-You'll need some better equipment if you're going to be Decepticon hunting." Magnus spoke pushing a box towards the five earthbound autobots

You stood cross-armed beside Jazz. You played with the sweet stick in your intake the scopes in your optics settling on the setting star in the distance.

You watched as it painted the sky shades of red and orange. As though it was clawing for its last moments of breath before it perished in the dark that lay beyond. You turned your gaze up higher you the few stars poking out from the gloom.

The last beacons of hope and prosperity as your former mentor used to say.

Being a modified protoform you really didn't have a "Carrier" or "Sire" per say. You had a "Mentor" to "Keep-you-on-the-right-track".

Heh... that really didn't work did it?

You vented almost missing the large cloud of smoke that usually followed your exvent. Your digits clawed at your upper arm chipping paint from the armor there.

You were so hungry...

So very hungry.

You shook your helm a little clearing the thought letting the dull ache in your tanks be. You couldn't... not now, or ever.

Your turned your helm towards the Magnus as was saying his overly-formal goodbyes. You grunted slightly and strode confidently over to the mech.

"Magnus, "You said catching his attention

"Yes Cadet?" He questioned with a raise of his brow

"I wish to remain on this organic planet." The shock on his face was priceless, but you remained serious

"Cadet are you sure?" He asked confused

"Very." You stated with an affirmative nod

You didn't wait for his response and turned on your heel and walked down the ramp and into the soft ground. You continued away not caring about the looks you were receiving from the bots.

You pulled an e-cig out of your subspace and and lit it the little fire dancer died as soon as she was given breath. With her small death the taunting smoke dancer was given a new life.

You climbed up a building and sat yourself down on the edge over looking the new city you have found yourself choosing to reside on. You sighed softly taking a deep vent and leaning back against the concrete building.

You stared at the dark light-polluted Sky your optics searching for any signs of stars. You were only met with the hazy grey of light meeting dark. You could hear the orgnaics in the building and out, babbling on about inane things not truly minding the world around them.

Blissfully ignorant. Self-Absorbed in their own little worlds, telling their own stories, living their own lives.

Lives so pathetically short that you wondered why they didn't bow with the heavy truth of their useless life under the dark vastness of space.

You wished you could be that blissfully ignorant, but those easy simple days before the war were just a fuzzy memory. The bot you once were had died when the war had and you were abandoned in your alt mode waiting for rust to destroy your armor.

Your processor had been heavy since those dreary days. Heavy with the truth that, despite your own lengthy lifespan,  you were virtually useless in the universes plan. You wanted these truths to leave you and to let your processor to be at peace for once.

But that wouldn't happen.

At least not until you've offlined.

Only then could your processor be at peace. Under the sweet and silent spell of death, wrapped in its cloak kept warm as you traveled through the darkness of the other side.

You pulled the e-cig from your intake and allowed the smoke to flow from your parted derma. Hunger clawed at your frame, but your optics remained hazy and distracted at you stared towards the bleak sky.

You tapped ashes absentmindedly onto the roof of the building. Your chassis swelled with breath of his new planet.

It was cold, and oddly soothing. Strikingly familiar. You couldn't put your digit on where you remembered it.

A cold breeze wafted over your frame causing the sensor nodes to prickle with chills. Soon enough flakes of white began to lazily drift down from the sky. They clumped into piles and melted into liquid against your warm frame.

What an odd place.

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