Chapter 20

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*Lindsey's POV*

I left Meg's house earlier, and now I'm home alone. Wow this is boring being here home alone... Maybe I will have Shawn over. I guess I'll see if he's busy and invite him over. 

Lindsey: I have a question? Are you busy tonight?

Shawn: Nope:P I'm a loner today haha Cam, Hayes, Meg and Kayla left us! We should get together too, since there's no one else to be hanging out with;) 

Lindsey: That's what I wanted to know:) Do you want to come over for a little while?

Shawn took a little longer than usual to respond this time.

Shawn: I just asked and my parents. I can come over now if you want babe;)

Lindsey: Okay yeah! That's good with me! So I'll see you soon?

Shawn: Yeah:) I'm leaving right now. Be there shortly!

Lindsey: Alright:) See you soon!

I'm not even close to being ready for him to come over! I'll just throw my hair up in a high pony tail and put on capri leggings with a baggy shirt, and maybe a sweatshirt over it if I get cold. What are we even going to do? Maybe watch another movie, or layoutside on my trampoline or hammock, or maybe take a walk. I'll ask Shawn when he gets here. I want to do all of those with him! I should text Kayla to see how she's doing! 

Lindsey: Heyyyyy Kayla! How are you and Cam doing? Having fun? 

Kayla: Yeah! Lots of fun actually haha! We just got to Olive Garden:) I'll text you later and stuff lol Luff you bye:) Have fun with Shawn;)

Lindsey: Okay haha thanks girl. Have a good night with Cam if I don't talk to you:) Luff you too!

I hear a knock at my door and I tense up for a second and then breathe in and out slowly to calm myself down. I walk to my door and open it and see Shawn who is holding a single daisy. "Shawn!," I say excitedly, jumping into his arms. "Hi Lindsey! I brought you this flower just to tell you I love you," Shawn tells me giggling and slightly blushing. "Aww, Shawn... I love you," I say and peck his cheek as I take the flower and invite him inside. We walk in and He asks me what I want to do. I told him we should go out on a walk or something. He was okay with it, so I put on my shoes and we went back outside to head around my neighborhood. "It's really nice out tonight! It's not too warm or too cold," I say randomly. "Yeah, it's perfect outside. Where are we walking to?," he asks me. "Just around the schools. We could stop at the playground, just to ask like idiots if you want to." He laughs at me and says, "I picked the right girl for me. Weird, funny, crazy, just everything amazing in a girl." I respond, "Same for you Shawn." We got to the schools and all of a sudden, Shawn says, "Race you to the swings!" I sprinted over to them, but he won. We each sat down on one and just kind of looked around, glancing at each other every once in a while. We talked for a while and held hands on the swings. "Want to leave and go back home now?," I ask Shawn. "Yeah, sure. It's up to you," he says back to me. He got up and pulled my arm to help me off the swing. We began to walk home and he told me we should take some funny selfies and cute pictures, so that's what we did. The first pictures were the funny ones, where we basically just made weird faces. We took a few ones where we faced away from the camera and held hands, we made a heart with our hands and one where we werekissing and my arms were around his neck and his hands on my lower back. I am cherishing this moment because it seems like the best thing ever. "Those came out really nice!," Shawn says to me while he looks at the pictures. "Send them to me! I'm making one or two of them my background on my phone," I say, as we walk back in my house again. "Just sent them all to you! That was really fun, Lindsey. I had a great time. What should we do now?," he asks me. I don't have any ideas really, so I suggest watching a movie. "Want to look on Netflix or pick out a movie from what I have?"

*Shawn's POV*

"Let's just check Netflix and look around for a little bit. If we don't find anything we can pick a movie of yours," I tell Lindsey as I sit down on the couch. I lay down across the whole thing, only leaving enough room for her to lay down with me. She set up the t.v. on Netflix and started scrolling through movies. I was humming and quietly singing. I could hear her humming along. "I hear you hummig along with me," I say winking at her. "No! I suck anyways, so whatever haha." I say, "I'm sure you don't! I'll hear you one day." She just says maybe and tells me how Kayla is the better singer and stuff. I'm sure they are both amazing. "Anyways, what kind of movie? Comedy, horror, romance?," Lindsey asks. "Umm... Let's watch a romance movie," I say grinning. "Come sit down with me," I whine. She told me there wasn't enough room, so she'd sit on the other couch. "No, come lay down with me then! Please?" She sighs and just plops down right in front of me. Lindsey scooted herself close to me and rested her head on her hand with here elbow propped up as we looked at some movies on Netflix. This one looks good. It's about two teens who fall in love and it reminds me of us (and Meg and Hayes, and Kayla and Cam too but...). "We should watch this one. It's like us," I tell her. She says, "Okay! Awesome," and puts on a sweatshirt because she's kind of cold. Lindsey pressed play, put the remote down and relaxed; she put her head down and laid on her arm as a pillow. "Sorry if I fall asleep. I'm really tired again. Not sure why but I just am, sooo yeah haha," she tells me and I said I didn't care at all. I put my arm lazily draping over her. I moved it so that it was on her hip and moved her in even tighter to me. I receive a quick, happy look from her and just can tell she is really calm and glad to be relaxing right now. I'm happy that we didn't do anything really fancy because I like just being able to talk and hang out rather than be on a more proper date like Cam and Kayla did. We basically were silent for most of the movie, but then a really cute, romantic scene came on. Lindsey smiled at me and I looked at her lips as I licked mine. I'm going to be brave and do this again! Slowly, I leaned into kiss her and our lips met. She eventually broke the kiss and turned to face towards me on the couch. As soon as she got comfortable, we kept the kiss going. It started to get kind of passionate and I was sad when it was over, but happy at the same time. Being here with her again is just perfect. We were back to the original couch laying down position and I played with her hair until she fell asleep. "Night, I love you so much," I say as I kiss her temple and I fell asleep with her in my arms.

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