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"He's nice, isn't he?"

"He is. But I asked why you didn't tell me you were letting another student take over the class?" I questioned, glaring playfully at Grant from across the island in the kitchen, a glass of Riesling in both of our hands.

He shrugged simply, tipping the wine glass back to take another sip. "I didn't think it was a big deal."

"You refer to me as your daughter, yet you didn't think it fair to tell your daughter that you were taking a leave because of health issues?" My voice was skeptical. Grant had been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis six months ago, but he seemed to have gotten control of the episodes, Clay helping him with his shots every night.

"Health issues.... That is the official story. That's what the university knows."

"And what doesn't the university know?"

"Nothing." He started, frowning slightly. "They actually suggested that I take some time off after my diagnosis. I told them that I am actually much healthier than I have been over the past year."

"What am I missing here?"

"The university told me to take off a semester just to make sure I could adjust to my newfound autoimmune disorder. I just didn't argue- I figured I could use some time off with my husband."

I nodded, finishing off my glass of the sweet wine before he picked up the bottle to refill it. "That's fair."

"Even with a neurological disorder I am a genius." I shook my head at the older man in front of me. He had been a professor at the university for almost 30 years, so it was only fair that he took a semester off. His recent diagnosis had caused a lot of strain between him and Clay so I understood why he wanted to take some time off. I just still wasn't sure why he never said anything.

"No, I'm a genius." Both Grant and I spun around, Lennox standing in the entryway to the kitchen, a devious smirk plastered on her face.

"What did you do?" I asked slowly, her smile only growing.

"It's a surprise. Now come on darling, it's time to start getting ready." Grant laughed as I begrudgingly followed her skipping form up the stairs to the third floor. She stood in the doorway to my room, her hips swaying back and forth, her hands clasped behind her back. "Want to see what kind of trouble we can get into?"

"Oh god, we're going to die, aren't we?" I asked, pushing past her to fall face first into my king size bed.

"It's a Tuesday, I know how to restrain myself."

"You absolutely do not."

"You're probably right... but happy early birthday." She said, throwing something against my back. I rolled over, grabbing the little box before it fell to the floor. I rose my eyebrows at her in question, her eyes shining in the light of my room.

I slowly pulled the end of the ribbon, Lennox bouncing on her feet excitedly. I took my time opening the small box, Victoria's Secret tissue paper wrapped around a small piece of fabric. I laughed lightly holding up the dark purple teddy, the entirety of the lingerie either lace or mesh, straps crossing along the back.

"I'm assuming you want me to wear this tonight?"

"Uh duh." She said matter of factly. "I bought a matching one. Mine's navy." She said pulling the top of her dress down to reveal the same teddy already adorning her slim frame. "The goal is to get you laid every night for the next week."

"Oh is it now?"

"Uh yeah. You're finally 21, we're celebrating as much as we can."

"I won't be 21 for another three days."

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