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It was nearly 3am, the music thumping loudly around us. I had lost count of how many bars we had hopped already, Lennox shoving drinks in my hand the second we entered a new one. My head was positively spinning with the amount of alcohol running through my veins, but I was having fun. I just didn't want to think about the hangover I was sure to have in the morning.

Lennox and I were currently in the center of the dance floor, our bodies swaying to the loud music. Andy and Harry were talking in the booth we had grabbed, both of them refusing to dance with us.

I could feel Harry's gaze on me, though. It didn't matter where he was in the room, my body was acutely aware whenever his eyes landed on me. It was as if he had some sort of spell over me- not even the alcohol affecting my body like he did.

"Ladies." Both Lennox and I turned, two men approaching us, both of them looking down our bodies, eyes clouded with alcohol and lust. They were easily attractive, however, the way they were ogling our bodies was not.

"Gentlemen." Lennox purred, her eyes locked on the taller of the two.

"Care to dance?" He inquired, the two of them smirking at each other. I risked a glance at the shorter man who approached us, his eyes glued to my chest.

"Oh, but we already are." She quipped, grabbing my hand and pulling me into her, her hands grabbing my hips to guide their sway to the music.

The tall one laughed, licking his lips greedily as he watched our bodies move together. The shorter one's eyes were still on my chest, my eyes rolling a little as I looked at his practically drooling form. "I'm Mike. This is Cam." The tall one spoke again, his eyes not leaving Lennox.

"Good to know." She replied coolly, not giving up her name so easily.

"May I ask your name?"

"You may." She said, rolling her hips to the beat. "Doesn't mean I'll give it to you, though." She flipped her blonde hair, a mischievous glint to her eyes.

"How bout you, sexy?" The short one finally spoke, his eyes reluctantly moving back up to my face.

"Mine." My body tensed at first as hands wrapped around my waist, but I immediately relaxed once the fire settled over me. The short one's eyes briefly flew to him, going wide before he started mumbling an apology. I couldn't help but laugh a little as he retreated back towards the bar, the tall one still making an advance on Lennox.

"Now, my dear professor, that was uncalled for." I hummed, spinning around in his arms, his hands resting against my lower back and keeping my body flush against his.

"He was looking at you as though you were his dessert."

"As opposed to the way you've been watching me all night?"

"Touché." He muttered, suddenly spinning me once again in his grip. He pulled my hips back against him, my backside flush against his front. I flipped my hair over one shoulder as he ducked his head, lips finding my neck effortlessly. I rolled my hips back into his, the vibrations of him humming against me making my pulse rise.

My dress rose as one of his hands landed on my upper thigh, pushing my body even harder against him. He continued nipping at the skin on my neck, his tongue darting out to lick a hot stripe up towards my ear. My breath caught in my throat, his teeth digging into the lobe before pulling at it playfully. He chuckled against me, my head resting against his chest as his hips moved in sync with mine. I smirked to myself when I felt a growing pressure against my back, instinctively rolling my hips harder against his.

Shivers ran through me as he released a low growl, his nails digging roughly into my skin. I gasped as I felt his nails break through the sheer fabric of my tights, his hand sliding up and scratching roughly against my skin- more of the fabric tearing as he went.

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