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"Morning my beauties." Clay chimed, pressing a kiss to both my cheek and Lennox's as he walked through us in the kitchen. I had elected to skip my first class of the day, seeing as it was at 9:30 and I just really didn't feel like getting out of bed. It was only the fourth day of classes- second day for TuesdayThursday classes so I couldn't be missing that much. Skipping my first class, though, gave me until 3 before I had to have myself ready for my dear professor's class. Just thinking about seeing the dark god had my heart racing. I wasn't exactly sure what to expect after the past two days, but I was determined to play it off like he didn't affect me in any way. "What do the two of you have planned for tonight?" Clay continued, pouring his cup off coffee before glancing between the two of us.

"Don't ask me." I said, raising my hands into the air before reaching for the coffee pot to pour my third cup this morning.

"Well, night one was the big kick off- lots of drinking." Lennox started, running her perfectly manicured fingers through her recently highlighted hair. "Night two was all about that recovery." She said, giving me a pointed look.

"Oh yes... Finley, next time you elect to bring a man home, remember that your fathers' room is directly below yours." Grant muttered, walking into the kitchen and glaring at me playfully. My face immediately heating up at just the thought that my dads had heard my extracurricular activities.

"My bad." Grant and Clay only chuckled, Lennox ignoring them before continuing.

"Night three... well as much as I would love for a repeat of night one, maybe even more booze, I have a feeling we are going to need to save your liver for your actual birthday tomorrow."

"You're probably right."

"I also have a big test tomorrow so I'm going to need to be functioning." She mumbled to herself, tipping her coffee mug back to down the rest of the dark liquid. "So, tonight I figured we could play a little more on our classy sides."

"You two? Classy?" Grant snorted.

"Hey now, I was going to see if you wanted to join us." Lennox quipped, raising her eyes at the two men leaning against the counter.

"That'll depend."


"How classy you are planning on being tonight." Clay said simply. The two of them were more than happy being blissfully ignorant on our late night escapades- which made me feel extremely guilty for being a little too loud the other night.

"Oh, the classiest broads you have ever seen. We'll make you proud, don't worry."

"So, what is it that my two classiest broads will be getting into?" Clay inquired, his arm wrapping around his husband.

"Juilliard is putting on a ballet tonight. I figured we could go out to dinner beforehand at 'La Sobremesa'." I was surprised that she pronounced the Spanish so beautifully, even her tongue rolling over her 'r'.

"Hmm, fancy." Clay quipped.

"If we wanted to, we could even head down early. Maybe do lunch slash dinner and then go to the rooftop bar a couple blocks down for some cocktails before the ballet."

"That does sound lovely."

"How early?" I questioned, thinking about the one class that I really didn't want to skip. It hadn't even been 24 hours since I last saw him, but my body was craving that buzz it felt whenever he was near.

"We could leave here around 3:30, that would put us at La Sobremesa around 4:30 then cocktails around 7 before the ballet starts at 8:30?"

"I have class at 3."

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