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"Why didn't you tell me that daddy dearest had gotten the hottest man in the universe to teach your class?" Lennox whisper-yelled into my ear as we slipped back into Andy's car, Harry sliding in the front as per Lennox's instructions. Andy eyed him suspiciously before Lennox told him she invited him and demanded he take us to our next destination.

"It never came up." I whispered back, grinning goofily at my best friend. Harry had ended up joining us for dinner- claiming he had only come to pickup some takeout. I found myself downing my wine much quicker than I should have, the waiter giving me nervous glances every time he had to come back to refill the glass. I was already more than a little buzzed, which pleased Lennox immensely.

"Well, I say we found your first hookup in our weeklong marathon." She said resting her head against my shoulder as she tried eavesdropping on Andy and Harry's conversation.

"He's my teacher." I giggled. "I can't."

"He's still a student." She muttered back, licking her lips dramatically as Harry talked. In my buzzed state I allowed my mind to wander there- his green eyes almost black with lust, those lips doing sinful things to my body, his muscles tensing beneath my hands. It was a delicious fantasy, but one I knew couldn't indulge.

"He already turned down some bitch in our class today, and I'd rather not be rejected. It is my birth week after all." I said, jutting out my bottom lip to pout slightly. Lennox and I both giggled loudly. My breath hitched in my throat as his green gaze fell on me once again, his bottom lip within the grip of his teeth.

"Mmmm, pretty boy." Lennox mumbled, leaning forward so her face was directly in front of Harry's- effectively blocking me from my darling professor. I frowned a little, his attention back on my beautiful bestie. He wasn't her teacher... she could have all the fun with him she wanted. My frown deepened at the thought.

"I like your accent."

"Oh yeah?"

"Oh yeah." She agreed, nodding her head obnoxiously. I sat there for the next fifteen minutes, my mood souring with each passing second, and listened to the two of them flirt. Andy caught my eye in the rearview mirror at one point, raising his eyebrows in question. I just shook my head, my buzz fading even quicker than my good mood.

Andy let the valet park his car once I convinced him to come in with us. He agreed to have one beer, but nothing more since he did so selflessly agree to be our designated driver. So I leaned against his shoulder as we walked into the bar, his arm wrapping around my waist lightly, Lennox and Harry a few feet ahead of us.

"You good?" Andy whispered, squeezing me into his side before pushing his lips to my temple. I noticed Harry turn around for a quick second, watching the harmless action with surprised hostility. I wasn't sure if I imagined it, but I could have sworn I saw him tense up as he turned back to Lennox, who also then turned around to give me a questioning look- wondering why I was cozying up to Andy. I ignored her.

"Hm? Oh yeah." I mumbled, my gaze locked on the back of that curly head.

"Come on Fin, it's your birth week celebration, smile babe."

"I am." I muttered, smiling widely up at him to prove my point.

Andy just sighed in defeat, clearly not getting the reaction out of me that he wanted. He let it go though, staying with me as we made our way towards a booth in the back. Lennox slid in one side, Harry following in after her. I kept my eyes down as I slid in across from them, Lennox already demanding Andy go start our tab and grab us four shots of tequila.

"Tequila?" Harry wondered aloud, amazement in his voice.

"It's our birthday girls favorite." She said, linking our hands together on top of the table. I sent her a smile, though I know she noticed that it didn't reach my eyes. She didn't question it.

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