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"For you ma'am?"

"Can I have the blueberry pineapple margarita?"

"'Course." I muttered my thanks before the waitress walked away, the chilly air whipping around my body and bringing goosebumps to the surface.

I had been fidgeting ever since we left the house, Harry and Lennox on either side of me in the backseat of Clay's Escalade. Harry had placed his hand against the side of my leg, positively driving me insane the entire hour drive. I was just glad everyone else was blissfully unaware of the tension this man was causing in the air around us.

Dinner only made it worse, Harry once again taking the seat next to me. This time, with the cover of the table, his hand rested high on my inner thigh underneath my dress. Calloused fingers rubbed soothing circles into the skin- what should have been soothing anyway. The skin on skin contact was driving me up a wall and I didn't know how much longer I would have been able to take it. Thankfully we walked the couple blocks to the rooftop bar that Lennox had discovered, and I was finally able to get some space between us and breathe freely.

I sighed heavily, my hands rubbing my arms to try and warm up.

"Here." I jumped as Harry placed his jacket over my shoulders, my stomach tightening as his fingers brushed against my flesh.

"I'm okay-"

"I could see your goosebumps from the restroom." He chuckled, pulling out the stool next to me before looking out over the city.

"Where'd they go?" I asked, referring to my fathers and Lennox who had all disappeared the moment we made it to the roof- leaving me alone at the small round table we had taken.

"Up at the bar. They ran into some of Clay's colleagues." I nodded in response, breathing in the cool air and admiring the view in front of me.

The sun was going down- the fiery, red orb slowly sinking towards the horizon, the last rays of light lingering in the darkening of the night, dyeing the sky hues of oranges, reds, yellows, and even some pinks, all fading to the dark blue as night began to descend upon the city. Silver-like sequins shone against it all, the stars sparkling in the last gleams of sunlight.

"It's so beautiful." I mumbled, transfixed in the sheer, raw beauty. Nature really was magical.

"It is." He agreed. He started speaking again, but was interrupted by the waitress, setting my margarita in front of me and a glass of beer in front of him. We both thanked the woman, her eyes lingering for a moment too long on the boy next to me, my body growing hot with anger.

"If looks could kill." I jumped, startled when Harry's lips brushed against my ear, the anger subsiding but my body still heating rapidly.

"E-excuse me?"

"If looks could kill." He repeated, leaning back to meet my gaze and resting his hand along my lower back. "That poor woman would've been dead ten times over by now." He chuckled.

"I don't- I don't know what... what you're talking about." I cursed myself for stuttering, my words catching on themselves as I, unsuccessfully, tried to appear unbothered.

"Miss Castle, you need not worry. You are the most exquisite woman here."

"You've got quite the vocabulary, don't you professor."

"You know, I'm just filling in. I'm not actually a professor." He stated, chuckling lowly.

"It's kinda sexy though, isn't it?" I quipped, his breath catching momentarily as I leaned towards him.


"Mhmm. My dear," I spoke slowly, pausing to press a kiss to his cheek. I celebrated silently as I heard his breath hitch. "sweet," I paused again to press a kiss to his other cheek. "sexy," A kiss on the left side of his mouth. "darling," A kiss to the right side of his mouth, his lips twitching. "prof-" I didn't even get to finish the word before his lips came crashing onto mine. His tongue swept across mine sweetly, his hands pinching at my sides lightly.

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