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Shivers ran through me as he released a low growl, his nails digging roughly into my skin. I gasped as I felt his nails break through the sheer fabric of my tights, his hand sliding up and scratching roughly against my skin- more of the fabric tearing as he went.

"Now now, that wasn't very nice." I rose my voice so he could hear me over the music, my head tilting back so I could look up at him. The emerald in his eyes was practically completely clouded over, his pupils dilated as he looked down at me.

He smirked devilishly down at me before he once again spun me in his arms, his mouth crashing down on mine, devouring me hungrily. His arms closed tightly around my back, his bulge now digging into my stomach. My tongue fought his defiantly for control, though I lost, truly at his mercy.

"I think it's time I get you out of here." He growled, teeth digging harshly into my bottom lip and tugging it roughly.

"Who said I was ready to go?"

"Oh trust me love, you are no where near ready for what I have planned... but thats half the fun."



hi hello hey, so there will be hella smut... consider this your warning. please comment and vote :)

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