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"Goodnight!" Grant yelled much louder than necessary, Clay attempting to hold him up as they made their way towards the stairs. Lennox and I were laughing loudly, both Grant and Clay drunker than we had seen them in a long time.

"Remember, my room is above yours!" I called back, Clay sending me a pointed look as Grant stopped in his tracks to turn and look at me.

"Oh Fin, I don't think we could be nearly as loud as you were Tuesday night no matter how hard we tried." My cheeks tinged red, everyone's heads snapping towards the curly haired boy as he suddenly started choking on the glass of water that Len had given him. "Can you believe my lovely daughter doesn't even try to hide the fact she's having sex from her parents, Harry?" I had to stifle a laugh as Grant continued to talk about how inconsiderate I had been the other night- Harry's face quickly going a bright red, his eyes wide and panicked.

"Yeah yeah, we get it- she's a screamer. Goodnight!" Lennox called back, Clay grabbing ahold of his husband again to help him up the stairs.

"Harry, you are more than welcome to stay in the guest room if you would like, I know you didn't drink as much as I did but the offers still there if you don't wanna drive." Grant rambled on, his voice growing faint the further up the stairs they got. Harry muttered back a 'thanks' even though he knew Grant wouldn't hear him.

Lennox, Harry, and I all stood still in the kitchen, silence surrounding us after we heard the two men upstairs slam their door closed. I watched Harry tip the water glass back up to his lips, downing the rest of the glass easily before setting it in the sink. His eyes then roamed between me and Lennox, Lennox's eyes roaming between me and Harry.

"So," She started, slowly making her way to the stairs. "for starters, it is officially your birthday, so happy birthday by beautiful baby." I smiled at her as she placed her lips to my temple before turning to face Harry and I again. "Now, you be nice to her and just a reminder you may want to keep it down this time- I don't know how our dear daddy would take it if he knew you were the cause of him losing sleep." She said pointing a finger at Harry. He only nodded in response, his eyes locked on her as she ascended up the stairs. "Goodnight! Be safe!" Were the last words she yelled down the stairs before we heard her door close.

Not even two seconds after the sound of her door slamming closed echoed around us he was on me. His hands gripped my hips to pull my body into his, his mouth finding mine effortlessly. His tongue explored the walls of my mouth, my hands tangling in his hair to tug roughly.

"Room. Now." He growled, hands shoving me back towards the stairs.

"Someone's eager." I chuckled, freeing myself from his grip to run up the stairs quickly. I made it to my room before he did, pushing open the door before reaching behind my back to undo the zipper to my dress. Harry had just walked into my room, closing and locking the door behind him, as my dress fell to the floor. His eyes immediately darkened, greedily taking in my newly exposed body.

"Well, in my defense, someone wound me up earlier and then didn't deliver."

I scoffed, my heels still on as I walked towards my bed. His eyes stayed glued to my body as I sat on the edge of the mattress, crossing one leg over the other and resting back against my hands. "Please, you bring the tension every time you come around."

"Oh, you poor thing." His words dripped with sarcasm, his hands moving to slowly undo the buttons on his shirt.

"I could blue ball you again."

"I think the fuck not."

"It is my birthday, you know." I stated, standing once again to saunter towards him. I watched his eyes roam down my body, his gaze transfixed upon my legs. Heels really did amazing things for your body.

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