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My face contorted again, giving away the pain I was feeling. Lennox laughed loudly from next to me. I had only been up for about a half hour- the darling professor nowhere in sight. I only had about ten minutes to shower before I had to get my ass ready for classes.

"I hate you and your week long plans." I muttered, slipping into the passenger seat of her car.

"You weren't complaining last night." She chuckled. "Four times, really?"

"I was up until 6." I grumbled, closing my eyes and letting my head rest against the window.

"That's impressive." I only groaned in response. My head was only pounding subtly, the hangover not nearly as bad as I would have thought, not that I was complaining. I was just extremely grateful that I didn't have class until 1 and was still able to get a measly six hours of sleep. "Daddy-o really knows how to pick em, huh?"

"How am I supposed to go to class now? I'm not gonna be able to look at him the same."

"Still picturing him naked?"

"It's hard not to when every time I take a step I'm reminded of his glorious nude body."

Lennox chuckled once again, her hand landing on my thigh. "It's okay because today is all about recovery. I'll pick you up from class at 5, we have massage appointments downtown. How does that sound?"


"We'll have a lovely spa night, and then if you would prefer we watch movies instead of going out to the club opening tonight, I will allow it."

I peaked open one eye, looking at her skeptically. "You would now?"

"If it would so please you."

"What happened to the week long bang session you were pushing for yesterday?"

She shrugged, pulling into campus. "I think your vagina might need a break."

I laughed loudly, which only made the pounding in my head worse. "You would be correct. I would be much obliged to just having a movie night... maybe some wine... and lots of ice cream."

"Oh, all the ice cream in the world."

I shoved my headphones in my ears as soon as I slipped out of her car. We went our separate ways for the day, and I was in no mood to hear any chattering from fellow students. I pushed play on my phone, soft music lulling my headache. I pulled the hood of my sweatshirt up, hoping it would hide my face enough so no one would notice me grimace with every step. My entire body was sore, and I honestly wasn't sure how long it would take to recover. My dear professor was relentless- which was fantastic in the moment, but now all I wanted was to lay in bed and move as little as possible. This spa day Lennox had planned was sounding better and better, and I willed the day to go quickly.

My first two classes went without incident, thankfully the pounding in my head subsiding completely by the time 3'o'clock hit. I was walking towards the library for the hour break I had before my last class when suddenly my body went on edge.

I immediately recognized the sensation that was overtaking my body- the darling teacher somewhere in the quad, his eyes trained on me. I did my best to ignore it, I also did everything in my power to keep my face from twisting uncomfortably, though that proved to be mighty difficult. It wasn't until I made my way through the library doors that the sensation subsided, and I knew I was out of his line of sight.

I sighed heavily, making my way up to the second floor before finding my spot in the secluded back corner. I was hoping I would be able to make it through the day without seeing him, giving me until tomorrow before I would have had to face him in class.

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