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Bet you thought I was never coming back.
Anyways, approximately 20 minutes ago I woke up from a nightmare. I spent the last 20 minutes dealing with an idiot who wouldn't listen to me but kept saying "listen". I'm a little fed up with life. Anyways, here's my nightmare:
Ok, so I dreamed the last part of me going to sleep again and I don't remember falling asleep. But suddenly my room was a lot darker and foggier and everyone hated me and there was this monster but no one believed me and I kept trying to wake up but every time, I'd wake up and the room would be like it started but I wouldn't be able to move and then I'd get pulled back under and I'd slowly start being able to talk but it wasn't very loud and it was just me calling for mama and then dream me opened my eyes and the monster was right there and then dream me fell asleep again and kept waking up to the monster getting closer, and then it was gone and I could move and I was trying to breathe but I couldn't so I grabbed my phone and got pulled under again and then woke up completely to my phone buzzing.

It was terrifying. I'm just gonna lay here with the lights on now

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