New Power

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-Lucy's POV-

I was still sitting and chatting to Cobra when Midnight and Brain walked in. Midnight was holding a box.

"We found you a lacrima." Brain announced taking the box. "Come with me, we'll sort out your power." He said walking deeper in the cave.

I nodded and followed as everyone watched me walk in almost with pity?

Brain took me into another cave chamber as he opened the box revealing a pebble sized stone that was black with red swirling through it.

"This is going to hurt." Brain said calmly.

"Alright..." I trail off and take a deep breath as I prepared for the pain.

I swallow as he grabbed the lacrima and started walking closer to me. He held the lacrima against my eye and started to push. The pain was unbearable as I screamed, probably all of Fiore heard my screams as I finally felt the pain die down, I felt the lacrima adapting to my body as everything went black.

I looked around in the darkness hoping for some light. I was frozen and floating. My mind was showing me these random keys and a person or thing that followed after. There was a mermaid, a maid, a man in a horse suit and many more.

After those weird pictures the darkness showed me, I started opening my eyes to the light. I was back in the cave laying on a mat. I gripped my head as different smells and sounds were overwhelming my mind. I looked to see everyone else sleeping except Midnight sitting at the cave mouth. I get up and walk over to him.

"Hey Midnight." I say quietly, I instantly calmed down.

He looked at me. "Your awake? That was fast." He said.

"How long was I out for?"

"About 6 hours, it took Cobra two days." He stated looking back up at the sky.

"Oh..." I looked up at it with him. "Why aren't you asleep?"

"I've only been able to sleep during the day, never at night, but lately after our recent fight, I haven't slept at all." He explained.

"Oh, ok..." I sigh. "Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, go ahead." He said looking at me.

I looked back. "I saw these images while I was unconscious, it was keys, then they glowed and formed a creature, do you know what that means?"

He looked down to his lap, then back at the sky. "Maybe celestial spirits are reaching out to you, I heard its a powerful magic, Angel used to use it."

"Oh, ok. Thanks." I smiled, he nodded and continued to star gaze, as I did so too, staying with him all night.


As the sun rose, so did the other members of the Oración Seis. First it was Racer, he instantly went for a morning run. The Angle woke up, she talked to me for a bit, before exiting the cave. Hoteye woke up shouting 'Money' as he did so Cobra and Brain woke up.

Brain and Midnight left together as Cobra came over to me, I was overwhelmed with different smells and sounds, but he managed to sooth me somehow, exactly how Midnight did.

"So did you want to try out your new magic? I can feel it bubbling under your skin." He smirked.

I nodded as we both went outside to an open patch of grass on the edge of a forest.

"Alright Lucy, let's see what Brain got you." He smirked. "So I'm pretty sure your senses increased? Means your a dragon slayer like me." He explained.

He made his fist glow in a purple light, as he Punch a tree and it disintegrated at his touch. "I'm a poison dragon slayer, let's see yours, push your magic through your hand."

I nod and hold my fist out, pushing the magic through it like second nature. A red black aura surrounded my fist as I punch a different tree. The tree turned black as it shriveled up and died, falling over, snapping from its roots.

"Wow..." I say in shock.

Cobra looks from me to the tree, impressed.

"Brain!" He called over to the guild master. "What did you give her?"

"I used a Death Dragon slayer lacrima." He said.

"Wow." I say again completely awe stricken.

"Yeah. Well I think you broke her." Cobra joked.

"No, she's just fully adjusting to her powers, which is good, since we should get back on the move, away from here. The fairy's are looking."

Cobra and I nodded as Brain gathered everyone, we started to hike away from the cave near the forest I found Midnight and Cobra, onto the next hideout. From what I was told by everyone darkness had taken over most of Fiore meaning most of the good guilds had to stay on the run.

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