Death Upon The Forest

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-3rd Person POV-

Three cloaked figures entered a town, looking for a café or some place that sells milkshakes. They entered a cafe and all got a milkshake. They drank them at a table outside.

Nearby two dragon slayers walked by with there exceeds, Sting and Rogue, Sting sniffed the air.

"Can you smell that Rogue?" He asked looking around.

"Yeah I can." Rogue said.

"What is it Sting?" Lector asked.

Sting started walking obnoxiously sniffing the air, Rogue followed with the Exceeds, they stopped outside a café.


Oh. Rogue its just a Café, Lucy isn't here." Sting laughed.

Rogue glared at him. "Shut up. Its clearly her scent from here," he stated walking to the cloaked figures.

"What do you want?" A hooded figure asked with a deep voice.

"Look, can you three please remove your hoods, we think that one of you is someone we are looking for." Rogue sighed.

"Fine..." Another one said.

All three removed there hoods at the same time, revealing Cobra, Midnight and Lucy.

Sting and Rogue stare at the three of them blankly. All three were wanted, two criminals and the other missing.

"Run." Cobra called as the three of them jumped the table and started running to the forest, Midnight dragging Lucy by her arm.

"Wait!" Sting called chasing them.

Rogue followed Stings lead, though he used the shadows to get in front of them. Frosch and Lector flying to keep up.

"Shadow Dragon Fist!" Rogue yelled attacking Cobra with a fist covered in shadows.

Cobra jumped back then launched his own attack, kicking Rogue in the stomach, he flew back a bit.

Sting tried to take a punch at Midnight, only for it to be deflected, and Midnight countering it and hitting Sting in the face.

"Lucy, let's go while Sting and Rogue distract those two." Lector says grabbing the blondes hand.

"Fro agrees." Frosch  said pulling with Lector.

"No! GET OFF ME!" She yelled flicking the exceeds off her hand as she ran back a bit.

The four from Sabertooth looked at her surprised at her reaction. Cobra and Midnight smirked and took advantage of there distraction and attacked their opponent. Rogue managed to dodge, but Sting flew back into a tree. Cobra growled as Rogue ran towards Lucy, hitting the back of her head so she fainted. He picked her up and ran from the fight. Sting launched a Light Dragon roar affecting both of them to give Rogue a head start. He theb fled the scene with Frosch and Lector behind him.

Midnight and Cobra glared at the disappearing figures.

"How could we let them get away!" Midnight spat.

"We need to get her back." He said as Midnight nodded. "Let's get the rest of the Seis."

Rogue had managed to tie Lucy up as he carried her on his shoulder.

"Why would she reject Lector and Frosch like that?" Sting asked looking at the unconscious girl.

"I don't know, but we need to contact Fairy Tail." Rogue said.

Lucy started to wake up, and started to squirm. "Unhand me you dark guild scum!" She screamed.

Sting and Rogue's eyes widened in shock as they put Lucy on the ground leaning her against a tree.

"Cobra! Midnight! Help Me!" She called out.

"Lucy calm down. We aren't a dark guild, they are. What did they do to you?" Rogue asked kneeling to her level. "Lector, Frosch, fly to Fairy Tail and get them to our guild hall." He commanded, the two exceeds and nodded flying to the guild hall.

"You are a Dark Guild. The Oración Seis told me everything!" She snapped.

"Whoa, Lucy calm down. Those people aren't good. They obviously lied. Come with us and we'll return you to Fairy Tail." Sting said.

Lucy looked at the two. "Prove it." They look at each other.

"Natsu. You really liked him. Gray, Erza and Wendy, your best friends, and you guys fought the Seis together 7 years ago." Rogue said.

"No..." Lucy glared at them. "NO!" She screamed as a wave of magic bursts from her body, killing every plant and animal in a large area. Sting and Rogue on their knees weakened.

Lucy stood up angrily, her ropes snapped as she glared at the two on their knees. Sting and Rogue looked up at her in shock...

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