Fairy Tail

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-Lucy's POV-

I thought back. 'I kinda just ditched that nice guy...' I found the out skirts of a neat looking town after a few hours of uninterrupted walking.

"Where is this place?" I ask aloud.

Just as I did a traveling man walked up to me. "You're at the edge of Magnolia. The home of Fairy Tail. You remind me of their beautiful celestial mage Lucy." He smiled.

"Thanks Sir." I smiled, walking into the town, yet again ditching a nice male.

Walking through the town, lots of things were familiar, and I get the urge to walk on the canals edge. As I did two boat men call to me in surprise. "Lucy your back!"

I smiled and nodded. 'How do they know my name? All well, time to go see if I can find out some things from Fairy Tail.' I hummed as I reached a golden arch with "Fairy Tail" written on it. 'I guess this is it...' I look down and frown at the memory of Cobra's words before I stormed off. 'Maybe I didn't give him a chance to explain.' I think as I turn my back on the guild looking back at the direction I came from.

"Lucy!" I hear a feminine voice behind me. "Is that really you?"

I slowly turn around to see a woman with bright red hair and brown eyes, she looked vaguely familiar.

"It really is you!" She whispered letting tears fall as she tugged me into a one sided hug.

"Uh... Who are you?" I question taken aback from the warmth shown to me.

"Oh... Gray and Natsu were telling the truth... Its me Erza." She stepped back and smiled at me weakly.

"What did the Seis do to you?" She asked looking at me in fear and worry.

"Look, Erza, I don't know you, and they didn't do anything to me except possibly lie to me, and I just want to find out what is true and what's not." I explained.

She nodded in sadness, then guided me inside. The guild paused as they watched me enter with an upset Erza. They seemed to have no clue how to react. A group of people walked up to us, it had the two from the other day, the pink haired male and the naked one, there was also three others. A small blue haired girl, a taller white haired girl and a nerdy looking blue haired girl. Erza just shook her head at them and they didn't say anything as they sat back down.

She then took me upstairs and into a small office. A tiny man on the other side of a large desk.

"Ah, Erza, and... Lucy?" He said in shock. "Child, you came back to..." He stopped as I saw him looking at my guild mark on my collar bone.

"Master. She has no memory of us, and apparently the Seis took her in."

The old man hummed in thought. "I can sense her magic has grown by quiet a large amount, possibly the same strength as Natsu's." He said.

Erza stared at him in shock. "Erza, your excused. I'll talk with Lucy alone" she nodded and exited the room closing the door.

"Now child. Please do tell me why you've come here." He said, sadness behind his words.

"I'm here to find out the truth, the truth about who I am and where I belong." I said looking him straight in the eye.

He sighed, gesturing for me to take a seat. I do so as he looked back at me. "Alright, you remember your name is Lucy, correct?" I nod, as he continued. "You joined us about a year ago, but you were quick to make great friends with everyone, and joined our family, you even had feelings for Natsu. Then about a week ago, you disappeared after finding out he was with Lissana." I nodded in thought.

"So how'd I lose my memories of all this then? And how'd I supposedly get memories of being with the Seis for a long time?" I asked.

"I'd suspect some kind of magic, but even I don't truly understand it." He said. "So stay with us, try to get your true memories back."

I shook my head. "There is no proof that this is the right place for me." I stood up. "And I need to understand this magic that has me like this, so I'm on a quest to find out. Good bye and thanks for your help I guess." I say standing up then leaving the guild before anyone can say anything else.

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