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-Lucy's POV-

I was running as fast as I could, tears pricking my eyes. I understand that I had amnesia, but caused by magic and having fake memories? It wasn't fair. I heard them calling my name as I eventually lost them in the forest as it started to rain. It felt very familiar as I fell to my knees in a clearing. I finally let my tears fall. I had a memory of me doing this before. I shook it off, it might be fake anyway...

I heard footsteps heading towards me, I didn't look up, but I could sense their power.

"Leave me alone..." I say as a warning, my power could go loose at any point.

"Why? Did somebody hurt you?" His voice was soft and smooth.

I tighten my eyes shut trying to stop the tears. "What does it matter?"

I soon here him crying. "Because it hurts me when someone else is hurt"

I look up to see a man dressed in black, his eyes and hair also black.

"Please, leave me alone. My power could go loose any second." I warn again, my arms folded gripping on to my sleeves.

"Don't worry about me. Let your power out, I'll be fine." He smiled gently and knelt down next to me.

He leant over and hugged me. I opened my eyes widely as a surge of power left my body destroying the area around, killing the wildlife.

After the surge calmed down I opened my eyes slowly, I had shut them when I released the power. I looked at the man who was hugging me, he was completely fine.

"How are you still ok?" I asked sliding away from him.

"I have a similar problem, my power sometimes needs to release like that." He explained.

"Who are you?" I ask looking directly at him.

He sighs and looks down. "When I tell you, do not be afraid." He said looking up slowly. "My name is Zeref."

I look at him. "Why would your name scare me?"

He looked at me surprised and stood up offering me Hus hand. I took it and he helped me up.

"People are scared of me because of my power." He says.

"You said yourself, we have similar problems." I smiled weakly looking at him.

He smiled back as I started to walk away.

"Wait where are you going?" He asked. "I don't even know your name."

"I'm going to find out the truth." I responded, looking at him. "And my name is Lucy."

"Truth about what?" He stared at me wide eyed.

"The truth about me." I smile once more before turning away and continuing to walk away not caring about his surprise to my name.

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