I'm okay

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"I dare you to walk around with your girlfriend again! I'll beat you 'till you can't stand." Chuckled the Nolsen boy's together, they always said stuff at the same time, quite frankly it was creepy though I was too scared to say so. I blinked my eyes tears brimming out, the boys found this hilarious and gave me one last hard kick, I tumbled over and hit the hard brick wall of my apartment building. "Lesbo!" The boys chanted as they ran down the alleyway. I wasn't ashamed of what I was a lesbian quite frankly I was proud, but I would never tell the Nolsen boys that! I gently looked myself over. A bruise, two, "I'm fine." I sighed as I slowly got up. In most storybooks, this is when a concerned Mom would rush out and ask if I was fine, but my mom was just too busy. 

"Wahh!" My little brother screamed slamming his plate on the floor. "Yes? A-huh." My mom was on a call trying to find work as always, "Charlie, here." I cradled him in my sore arms. "Mom doesn't have time." He calmed down quickly so I set him down in the rickety rocking chair to watch toddler television on the taped tv. I then gathered the plate pieces and regretfully threw them out. If you can't already tell I live in a very unfunctional family. My Dad left when I was ten, which I guess is for the better. My mom has no work, and we live in a broken down apartment building living crumb to crumb. 

That night I pulled out my yes you can guess cracked phone, and texted my girlfriend, I simply stated hi and then shut off my phone. I guess I should introduce myself my name is Rowen Lauralee Owens, I have sandy colored brown hair though that's boring and hazel eyes. Freckles litter my face like paper litters the streets of my town, I have taped purple glasses and hand me downs from neighbors and Goodwill. 

I heard my mom yelling into her phone and prayed she wouldn't wake up my brother Charlie, I'm pretty much his Mom, so if he woke up I would be the one shushing him and saying it's okay. "What! I need this job!" My Mom yelled so loud I swear the roof trembled. "But, Please?" I heard the phone beep. "Godammit!" I heard her scream, "how can I take care of Rowen and Charlie? God help!" I could hear her crying. I ran out of my room in my pajamas my multiple bruises showed vividly but I didn't care I needed to help my Mom.

I don't say anything I just hug her and let her sob into my shoulder. 

See this is my life, being bullied for my personal life, having to be a mom to my brother AND mom. But things are okay I am okay, everyone tells me; "oh you could have it worse!" Which "really" helps, life could be worse but at this point, life is okay I AM okay and I will be.

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