Still texting

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Megan's POV //

"Megan: who is this?"

I hit send and lay back on my bed. I really wish that it's him and not some random, creepy stranger. I want to know who he is and where he came from. Why did he give me his number? He must have bumped into me on purpose just to put the number in my bag aha.

I lay there smiling for a moment just thinking about him and how fricken cute he was!! I wish I could text lara about what happened but she dropped her phone down the toilet the other day and so it doesn't work anymore. She would probably scream her head off with excitement if she knew what was happening. I couldn't wait to tell her tomorrow morning! I couldn't keep it in, I had to tell someone.

I decided to text Elijah, our gay best friend but we just call him 'E' for short. I told him everything that happened from the mysterious boy in the coffee shop to Lara falling off her chair.

It was a really long text and my fingers started to hurt by the end. As soon as I sent it he replied with a shocked face and a winky face emoji, with the words 'JACKPOT!!'

I laughed and put my phone down on my bed. But as soon as I did my screen lit up. I looked and it and it was him!!! It was actually him!!

"Martinus: the boy from the coffee shop x"

A kiss? Suspicious!?!?! I was so overwhelmed with excitement that I for some reason texted him back with this...

"Megan: omg it's you!!!"

I sent it, immediately regretting my decision. Not only did I put the words 'omg' but I just had to put THREE exclamation marks at the end! THREE!!! He probably thinks I'm way too over excited (which I'm definitely not) and won't text me back. Great! Just great!!

But I was proved wrong a few seconds later when he replied to my weird text.

"Martinus: so what's your name?"

"Megan: Megan, what's yours?"

"Martinus: that's a beautiful name! Mines Martinus x

Beautiful!! I highly doubt that's a beautiful name. It's so common. But martinus?!?! It's so unusual yet I feel like I've heard it before?

"Megan: so you slipped your number in my bag huh? Aha

"Martinus: maybbeee?

"Megan: real smooth.

"Martinus: well what can I say, I'm good with the girls!

What did he mean? At that moment I felt a rush of sadness come over me. He's probably had loads of girlfriends and then there's me who the only boy I've ever talked to is E.

What was I thinking? He'll probably talk to me for one minute and won't be interested. I don't know what I'm doing. I've had no experience with boys so I don't know how to react. I always go all awkward and then the words come out all weird. But for some reason I don't feel like that towards Martinus.

I know I don't even know this boy but there's just something about him that makes me feel like he won't judge me or be mean to me. He obviously put his number in my bag for a reason.

- - - - -

It was around 11 o'clock at night and Martinus and I were still texting. It was really nice to just chat with someone.

He said that he was staying here for a couple of months from Norway. He even tried to teach me some Norwegian but gave up after a while cause I was hopeless aha. I then told him some Scottish words like peely wally (white) and wee (small). It was really funny cause he was so confused. We started to discuss lara and Marcus as well, saying they would be really good together because they're both silly and childish aha

We eventually said our goodbyes and i got ready for bed. When I lay in my bed I started to wonder if he was going to our school. I mean if he was staying here for a couple months he would miss a lot of school from back home.

I didn't want to text him now seen as he would be in bed and i didn't want to annoy him. I guess I'll just have wait and see tomorrow.

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