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Marcus POV //

Lara and I were walking to school together. Lara said Megan was getting a lift and Martinus left early for some reason so it was just Lara and me. In some ways I was glad the others weren't here. Lara and I were alone. Finally!

Oh yeah did I mention I really like Lara. I mean really like! I want to tell her but I'm scared. I've never been in this situation before and i don't know how to tell her.

We just left the house and we weren't talking. You'd think it would be awkward but it wasn't. We were just enjoying each other's company. I looked up from the ground and subtly glanced over at Lara.

Marcus : why did Megan get a lift?

Lara : em, I don't know actually. She said her dad offered but he never offers so I'm not convinced.

Marcus : mmmhhh Martinus was acting suspicious this morning as well.

Lara : I know, I really don't know what's going on with those two.

Marcus : I'll ask him when I get the chance.

Lara : yeah ok......have you packed for Saturday yet?

Marcus : how many times are you gonna ask that? No I've not and I'm probably not going to until 5 minutes before I need to leave!

We both laughed.

Lara : sorry, I'm just so excited!

She did a little jump in the air squealing as she went. She then began to go on about Saturday and what we're gonna do. I wasn't really listening. My thoughts were more focused on how I'm going to tell her I like her.

Marcus : Lara I-

Lara : and then we're gonna have some snacks as well like pretzels cause you know everyone loves pretzels and maybe some crisps.

Marcus : I've go-

Lara : Oh and we can watch a film as well but a really good one. What one do you think?

Marcus : can I jus-

Lara : I was thinking maybe like grown ups cause it's funny and then we could also watch something else if we have time

Marcus : I wante-

Lara : oh what about-

Marcus : I LIKE YOU!

She stopped in her tracks startled. She looked up at me confused.

Lara :......what?

Marcus : I-I like you.

Lara : really?

Marcus : Emm yeah...

Lara : .......I like you too

She smiled up at me with a twinkle in her eye. She's so beautiful!


Lara POV //

We were at school now and looking for the others. We couldn't find them which was unusual. We eventually found E and Rose in the dinner hall.

As we walked up to them they were looking weirdly at us. I was confused until I realised Marcus and I were still holding hands. I didn't let go. Instead we both just looked at each other, smiled and just held tighter.

E and Rose gasped and ran up to us excited.

E : so are you guys like a thing now?!?!?!

I looked up at Marcus curious as to what his response was gonna be. He raised his eyebrows with his eyes still locked with mine.

Marcus : you could say that.

I smiled and leaned in against him. E and Rose were now screaming and jumping about like crazy. I think they were happy ahaha and so was I. I felt a sensation come over me which I had never felt before. I felt all warm inside but butterfly's in my stomach at the same time. It was weird but I liked it.

The bell rang and we all began to walk to class. We said goodbye to E and Rose at there class.

Rose : bye lovebirds!

She shouted as she went into her class. I went red and so did Marcus. He's so cute when he's embarrassed! We continued walking to our class. Oh yeah and did I mention Marcus and I were still holding hands! Yup!

By the time we made to Marcus class hardly anyone was in the corridor anymore. Even though we were late he still had time to give me a hug. He went into his class and as soon as the door was closed I screamed and danced about the corridor like a crazy person. But I didn't care. I was happy and no one could take that away from me!

I didn't even care that I was late either. It was like in this moment nothing else mattered. I was just too happy to care.

As I turned the corner I realised someone was sitting on the floor against the lockers with her head in their legs.

As I got closer they looked more and more familiar until I realised it was Megan!

Lara : Megan!

I ran over to her and placed my hand on her back for comfort. She lifted her head from her legs and sniffed. She looked terrible! I wanted to know what made her so upset but she didn't need questions right now. She just needed a friend.

Love Never Dies // Marcus and Martinus story❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now