The office

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Martinus POV //

Marcus and I were walking to English class talking about the new girl. Well I was, Marcus was looking down at his phone not really paying attention but I spoke anyway.

Martinus : she's so interesting.

Marcus : yeah.

Martinus : like her life.

Marcus : yeah.

Martinus : and what she does to help the world.

Marcus : yeah.

I was getting annoyed now and folded my arms in frustration.

Martinus : and how she came from mars.....

Marcus : yeah......wait what?!?!?

Martinus : I knew you weren't paying attention!

Marcus : well excuse me, but I'm taking care of some serious stuff right now!

Martinus : what like texting Lara.

Marcus : well yes.

I laughed and shook my head in disbelief. He finally put his phone away so we could talk.

Martinus : do you know what's up with Megan?

Marcus : I don't know but she seemed a bit weird at lunch today.

Martinus : yeah she was so quiet and then when I tried to talk to her she shouted.

Marcus : just talk to her alone with no one else there.

Martinus : yeah, maybe that will work.

I wasn't convinced. After that scene at lunch it's obvious that she doesn't want to talk to me. I just wish I knew what was up.

We made it to our class and opened the door. Everyone was already sitting in their seats ready to start. We had dozens of eyes staring at us including Mrs Spears.

Mrs Spears : you boys are late AGAIN!!!

Marcus : emm, sorry we're still getting our heads around the layout of the school.

Mrs Spears : JUST GO SIT DOWN!

We hurried to our seats. I made a silly face at jack who laughed.

Mrs Spears : Excuse me Martinus, what was that you just did?!?!?

Martinus : emm, I was jus-

Mrs Spears : Get to the principals office right now!!!!!

I walked to the door with my head held low.

Megan's POV //

I was running to find the others. They must not be that far. I kept running till the point where I got told off by a teacher in a classroom. I walked until I was out of sight of the teacher then continued running down the corridor.

The bell rang signalling the end of lunch and I still hadn't found them. I began to make my way to my English class disappointed.

Why did she want me to stay away from Martinus? Did she know about us? Or does she like him and I'm just an annoyance? Thoughts whirled round my head making me feel dizzy.

I opened the door of my class and went to sit down. As I was walking I saw that Lilly was in this class. She gave me a deadly glare as I sat in my seat. I ignored her. Mrs Evans was looking at me concerned as I got my books out of my bag.

Mrs Evans : are you alright Megan, your looking a bit yellow.

Everyone turned around to look at my "yellow" face. There were disgusted faces and people mumbling to their friends.

Megan : emm.....I'm fine.

Mrs Evans : are you sure? Do you want to go down to the office?

Megan : no, I'll be alright.

Mrs Evans : no I really think you should go.

Megan : em....ok.

Mrs Evans : right, on you go.

I got up and made my way to the office. Mrs Evans was one of my favourite teachers. She was just so nice and caring. Unlike Lilly. Oh god, just the thought of her made me feel sick. How can a person make me physically sick and look yellow.

When I walked into the office there were several others sitting down. One was lying sprawled over about 3 chairs with a wet cloth over her forehead. Another was sitting down with a tissue in his hand and his nose all red. And the last person was crying with her leg up on a chair.

I hated the office. It was just such a depressing place. I would much rather be in English class right now.

I found a chair away from everyone and sat down. I was sitting there for a while just watching the clock.

The door opened and in walked Martinus. I sat up on my chair and smiled but he didn't see me. He seemed down. His head was held low as he walked over to the desk. I wonder why he's here?

Desk person : yes?

Martinus : Em...Mrs Spears sent me here.

Desk person : ...why?

Martinus : to see the principal.

Desk person : oh right, name?

Martinus : Martinus Gunnarsen.

Desk person : right, go take a seat he'll see you in a minute.

He turned around and immediately saw me. He half smiled and sat down in the chair next to me.

Martinus : what's up with you then?

Megan : apparently I look yellow so the teacher sent me to the office.

Martinus : oh, you look fine to me aha

Megan : what about you?

Martinus : ugh just Mrs Spears.

Megan : oh, I had her in s2, what a bitch!

Martinus : yeah I know!

We laughed. This was nice. Just the two of us. No one interrupting "cough" "cough" Lilly. I had missed him today. I was about to tell him about what happened with Lilly but I couldn't bring myself to do it. What if he didn't believe me?

Martinus : so what was up today at lunch?

Megan : oh it was nothing.

Martinus : do you have a problem with Lilly?

Megan : I just think she's not what she says she is, that's all

Martinus : why would you say that, she's a really nice girl and if you'd give her a chance and talk to her you'll see that!

Megan : I'm sorry, I just don't trust her ok?

Martinus : no, not ok! Why would you not trust her?!?

Megan : I-I don't know

I couldn't do it. I couldn't tell him.

Principal : Martinus?

He stood up and walked into his office without looking back.

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