The tickets

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Martinus POV //

Marcus and I looked at each other and gulped. They can't come to the show! Then they'd find out that we're singers!!! And we can certainly NOT go to the show cause you know we're playing at it. This was not good. I repeat NOT GOOD!!!

Lara : Megan got me them as a late birthday present!! How amazing is that!!

Marcus :'s em great!!

He looked at me signalling for me to tell them. I shook my head and pointed at him to do it. He shook his head. Well I guess we're screwed. I cleared my throat as I psyched myself up.

Martinus : ....we emm...we can't come.

They both cocked their head towards us disappointed.

Lara : what why!?!?!

Marcus was looking down at his shoes so obviously it was gonna have to be me that breaks the news. I couldn't look them in the eye when I spoke.

Martinus : ......emmm...we um....we're just emm.....w-we have to ehhh......

Megan : have to?

I looked up at Megan.

Martinus: .......w-we're busy.

Megan : doing what?

Martinus : w-we're going on holiday!

I couldn't tell them. I was physically unable to do it. I just couldn't cope with the consequences and their reaction. What if Megan never wants to speak to me again? I couldn't live without her!

They looked at me confused including Marcus. He was expecting me to tell them we're famous not that we're going on holiday. He played along anyway.

Lara : what, where?

Marcus : Nor-

Martinus : London!!!! We're going to London.

I looked over at Marcus annoyed. Why would he say Norway!?!?! They know we live in Norway!! Out of anywhere in the world he chose the place we actually live!?!

Megan : oh ok well then I guess its just us too then.

Lara : we could give the extra tickets to Rose and E?!?

Megan : oh yeah!

Marcus : is this really a good idea-i mean em it's quite far to travel?

Lara : so? Well take the train.

Martinus : i-its a lot of money!

Megan : Lara's parents are loaded!

Marcus : what about supervision? You don't want your parents coming with you!

Lara : why not?

Marcus : I-I don't know...

Megan : do you guys not want us to go or something!?!?

Martinus : no its just's quite sudden.

Megan : not really, it's a gift

Martinus : I know it's just it's a bit out of nowhere don't you think?

Lara : no.

Martinus : oh ok

They began to walk forward planning as they went as Marcus and I held back a bit.

Marcus : How are we gonna get outta this one then?

Martinus : I really don't know...

Marcus : dad said we couldn't tell them until after the concert.

Martinus : he might change his mind when he finds out they're coming?

Marcus : I doubt it, he never changes his mind.

Martinus : hmm....

Marcus : we should have told them earlier.

Martinus : I know it's just everything was going so well so why ruin it?

Marcus : cause it's the right thing to do...

Martinus : well you didn't tell them either!

I kinda raised my voice a bit which made Megan and Lara turn round to see what was happening. Luckily they didn't ask questions and just continued walking.

Marcus : we need to think of a way to make them not go.

Martinus : yeah...


Megan's POV //

Lara and I started walking with the boys lagging behind. Lara started going on about the concert and how excited she was but my mind was somewhere else. I wanted to know why Marcus and Martinus were so caught up on us not going and how they're just suddenly going to London for the weekend.

It was kinda weird. There's obviously something they're not telling us and I want to know what it is.

Megan : what do you thinks up with them?

Lara : I don't know, why?

Megan : they seemed really weird when we mentioned the concert.

Lara : maybe they just feel like their missing out cause they can't come?

Megan : hmm no it's something else...

Lara : I don't know then.

Megan : never mind, it's probably nothing.

Lara : k

She continued talking until we heard Martinus shout from behind us.

Martinus : well you didn't tell them either!

We both looked round at them who were bright red. They looked embarrassed, like we caught them at the wrong moment.

We turned back round to face the way we were walking. Lara and I were silent, probably both thinking the same thing. Didn't tell us what?

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