I Dare You

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Megan's POV //

He was still stood there shocked whilst Lilly was turning bright red. She began to walk towards Martinus as she talked.

Lilly : Martinus I-

Martinus : Get out!!

He pointed to the door as Lilly stopped in her tracks.

Lilly : what?!?!?

Martinus : I said get out!!!

Lilly : ....you don't mean that?!

Martinus : oh really, after what you just said to Megan I'm pretty positive I want you out of my life!!!!

Lilly looked really hurt as she slowly turned towards the door. I'm not gonna lie, it felt good. She gave me an evil stare as she passed me in the hall then slammed the front door behind her.

As soon as she was gone Martinus turned to look at me. We stood there staring into each other's eyes.

Martinus : Megan....I'm so so sorry!

Megan : ...don't worry about it.

We ran into each other's arms as a tear of relief fell from my eye onto his shoulder. He let go, our heads leaning against each other's. His hands cupped my cheeks as we stood in silence.

I wasn't going to hold a grudge. I was just glad to have him back. It felt so good. A huge weight off my shoulder cause Lilly was finally gone.

He placed his soft, warm lips on mine and the whole room just falls away. I was so lost in the kiss. And then the space between us exploded. My heart kept missing beats and my hands could not bring him close enough to me.

Maybe it lasts a minute and maybe its an hour. All I know is that kiss, and how soft his skin was when it brushed against mine, and that even if I did not know it until now, I had been missing a vital part of myself and now I felt complete.

He let go still holding my head in his hands. He looked straight into my eyes which made me feel like I was the only girl in the world. He then gave me a small smile making my heart melt.

Martinus : god I missed you!!

I didn't say anything. I didn't need to. The moment was perfect. He's perfect.


Martinus POV //

We're now all back in the gym. Megan and I came back earlier and told everyone what happened with Lilly and why she left.however we left out the kissing part. They didn't need to know about that.

It was about 7 now and everyone was in their pyjamas.

Lara : why don't we play truth or dare now?

Marcus : yeah ok!

Everyone sat up from their sitting position getting ready for the game.

Ben : I hate this game!

We all laughed at how unenthusiastic he was about it.

Rose : oh come one it'll be fun!

E : yeah, don't worry we won't make you do anything too extreme

E did a very dramatic and evil laugh which made us all giggle.

Lara : right, who wants to go first?

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