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Martinus POV //

It was Sunday night. I was lying on my bed texting Megan. I hadn't seen her today and I was missing her already. Yesterday was amazing (well besides the fact that she fainted) so I can't wait to see her tomorrow.

We had decided not to tell Marcus, Lara or anybody for that matter. We just thought it could be our little secret. No one needs to know, well not yet anyway. We'll tell them all when we're ready.

Anyway I think Marcus has his own little thing going on with Lara. They keep giving each other looks and being suspicious which makes me think they're up to something. I mean, they both arrived at Megan's together yesterday so who knows what they were doing before they got there?!?!

Speaking of Marcus, my door suddenly opened revealing him standing there.

Marcus : hey.

Martinus : heyy....

I gave him one of those 'what you doing here' looks.

Marcus : what?

Martinus : what do you want?

Marcus : what makes you think I want something? I just want some quality twin time.

He gave a smirk

Martinus : come on, the only ever time you come into my room is to see if I have food, borrow clothes or complain about something.

He stopped smirking and sighed.

Marcus : fineee

Martinus : so what is it?

Marcus you think Lara likes me?

Martinus : emmm...

Marcus : like has she said anything to you?

Martinus :

Marcus : about me?

Martinus : emm...w-

Marcus : or us for that matte-

Martinus : can I say something please!

Marcus : oh....yeah sure go ahead.

Martinus : well she hasn't said anything to me but I'm pretty sure she does like you.

His face lit up.

Marcus : REALLY????

Martinus : ehh yeah

Marcus : are you being serious?!?!?

Martinus : yeah

He gave me a big hug and ran out my room with a gigantic grin on his face. I  chuckled to myself.


It was Monday morning now and I was getting my uniform on ready to go to school. Even though I still hated the uniform, I was kinda getting used to it's disgustingness if that's even a word. But don't get me wrong it was still by far the worst thing about this place.

The best thing about this place was definitely Megan. Without her this place would be so boring.

When I had finished getting ready I went downstairs and joined Marcus, Mum and dad at the table eating their breakfast.

Martinus : where's Emma?

Mum : she's in bed, she's not going to school today.

Martinus : oh, what's wrong?

Mum : she doesn't feel well

Love Never Dies // Marcus and Martinus story❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now