Where's Megan?

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Martinus POV //

Megan : sorry, I've got to go, my mum wants me home.

Martinus : already?

I was so happy 5 seconds ago and her mum just had to ruin all of it.

She ran off home. I wonder why her mum wanted her home. It seemed quite important. I sat there on the grass for a few seconds later until Marcus and Lara walked over.

Marcus : what was that about?

Martinus : I-I don't know?

I really didn't know. Why would she just run off like that. Was it something I did? I really hope not. I would hate to think I did something to her. Maybe it was because I held her hand?

Lara : I would text her but I'm not getting my new phone till Sunday.

Martinus : I'll do it.

I got out my phone and started texting. Marcus and Lara were standing over me reading what I was typing.

"Martinus : you ok? X"

I sent it and stood up still looking at my phone to see if she had texted back. There was nothing.

Lara : I should probably go.

Marcus : do you have to?

Lara : yeah I need to be home by dinner.

Marcus : oh ok

Marcus held his head down looking really sad. Lara gave Marcus a hug and said bye to both of us as she walked around the house to leave. I took one last look at my phone to see if she had texted back before Marcus and I went back in the house. Still nothing.


It was the next morning and I was having breakfast with Marcus, Emma, mum and dad at the table. I still hadn't heard anything from megan and I was starting to get really worried.

Kjell Erik : do you want a lift to school?

Marcus : no we're good, lara and megan are walking with us.

Kjell Erik : your getting quite close to them aren't you?

Martinus : yeah, they're really nice.

Kjell Erik : well don't get too attached cause remember we leave in two months and you won't see them.

Marcus and I looked at each other and I think we were both thinking the same thing. We hadn't thought about that. How am I supposed to leave Megan? It's too late. I'm already attached.

I think mum realised where the conversation was going and changed the subject.

Mum : are you going to football tryouts today?

Martinus : yup

Mum : don't be nervous, you'll do fine.

The doorbell went and Marcus and I ran to the door. When we opened it lara was standing there. No sight of Megan

Martinus : where's Megan?

Lara : don't know, she wasn't at our normal meeting place.

I think Marcus realised how worried I was getting because he tried to reassure me.

Marcus : it's ok, I'm sure she's just getting a lift.

I nodded as I grabbed my bag and closed the door even though I was still really worried about megan. She hasn't texted me back and she hasn't turned up to walk with us. What's happened?


When we arrived at school I still didn't see any sign of megan so I decided to text her again.

"Martinus : I hope your ok. X"

I asked Rose and E if they had heard from her but they hadn't either.

The whole day I was thinking about megan and going through every scenario that could have possibly happened when she went home yesterday. The more I thought the more I worried.


The bell had just went and I was packing up my things to go to football tryouts. Jack wished me good luck and left, leaving Marcus and I last to leave.

Martinus : I don't know if I should go to tryouts.

Marcus : what why!?!?!

Martinus : I need to see if Megan's ok.

Marcus :what no, come to tryouts and you can go see her after. You were so excited about this.

Martinus : but Megan's more important to me.

Marcus : since when did you put girls in front of football? Now come on.

I sighed and followed Marcus out the door. We went to our lockers to collect our football gear and then walked to the changing rooms.

When we arrived there was about 30 boys already getting ready. Why were we always late?

I took out my phone and sent another text to Megan but there was really no point anymore. I needed to see her in real life. What if she's in trouble? What if she needs me? I looked around the room, thinking to myself. What am I doing here? I shouldn't be here.

I suddenly stood up. Marcus was staring at me confused.

Martinus : I've got to go, s-sorry.

I grabbed my stuff and ran. Megan had told me her address before and I think I remember it. I ran all the way. I didn't stop. I just kept running.

I eventually arrived at the address she had told me and knocked on the door. It was a few seconds before a lady opened it. She was wearing joggers and a tshirt with slippers. Her eyes were blotchy and her hair was all over the place.

Megan's Mum : yes?

Martinus : can I see megan?

Megan's mum : who are you?

Megan : he's my friend.

Megan was standing by the stairs. She looked different. Her hair wasn't brushed back into a neat ponytail but instead half covering her face. Her normally perfect mascara was now smudged and running down her cheeks. Her once bright and cheery face had become dark and sad. She looked weak. She didn't look like the Megan I knew. I ran over to her and wrapped my arms around her. She collapsed into my arms crying.

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