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Megan's POV //

I woke up and rolled over to check the time. It was 10:32. It felt so good to have a sleep in. Lara went home at about half nine last night and I literally went straight to bed as soon as she went out the door.

I knew I wasn't gonna get much sleep tonight so I got as much as possible last night. I lifted my phone from my bedside table and texted Lara happy birthday with lots and lots of exclamation marks and emojis.

I put my phone down and lay there for a few moments psyching myself up for the day. It's definitely not gonna be one of the best but I'm willing to give it a go.

I heard my phone beep. It was Lara thanking me added with lots and lots of exclamation marks and emojis aha.

We've to be there at 3 in the afternoon and I still don't have a present for Lara. I've never really been very good at presents and after this weeks events I just completely forgot.

I got up from bed and put on my dressing gown to go down stairs for breakfast. As I walked into the kitchen I noticed my mum sitting on the floor with her hands on her head. I panicked and ran over to her.

Megan : mum!!!

She took her hands away from her face. She had tears running down her cheeks and looked really ill and weak.

Megan : what happened?!?!

Mum : I just feel a bit dizzy that's all.

Megan : I'm gonna call Dr Wazouska

Mum : no, I'm fine really!

Megan : I really think he should see if you're ok.

She nodded reluctantly so I went to the phone and called him. He said he'd be down in 10 minutes. Until he got here I hugged into her weak body. I was panicking inside but managed to keep it together for her.

When he and a couple others arrived he didn't say much to me but was talking to mum. He was asking her questions about how she felt until eventually turning round to me.

Dr Wazouska : we're gonna take her down to the hospital just for a check up.

I nodded as they helped her up and out the kitchen. I followed them into the car, terrified. My breathing was heavy and I was shaking. Bearing in mind I was still in my dressing gown as I got up literally 15 minutes ago but I didn't care. Mum was more important.

We made it to the hospital and we rushed mum to the reception. Dr Wazouska said something that I couldn't hear to the receptionist and then we all went into a room. We helped mum onto the bed and I held onto her hand.

A few doctors came in the room with a pen and paper, one of them asking Dr Wazouska questions whilst writing things down. I wasn't really paying attention but instead staring into mums sad eyes. Then he went over to mum and asked her questions continuing to note things down. He went out for a few moments then came back and walked over to me.

Doctor : are you the daughter?

Megan : emm....yeah.

Doctor : right, no need to worry.

Too late.

Doctor : your mum has got something that's very common as a side affect of chemotherapy. She has developed Anaemia which is the reason she might feel dizzy and cold. It's very common so there's no need to worry. We're just gonna keep her in here for a few hours to do a few blood tests and things. Your welcome to stay if you want.

I nodded and did a sigh of relief. I was expecting something way worse. I looked over at mum and smiled.

Megan : it's gonna be ok.

She managed a small smile back.


It's now about 4 hours later and I was still with mum at the hospital. Dad was here now cause he got away from work early. He brought clothes from home so at least I wasn't in my pyjamas anymore.

Dad : don't you have a sleepover tonight?

Megan : oh yeah!

I was too caught up with mum that I totally forgot. I checked my watch to see that I only had half an hour to get Lara's present, pick my bag up from the house and get to Lara's house.

Dad : when do you have to be there?

Megan : half an hour!!!

Dad : right, come on then, I'll drive you!

Dr Wazouska : I'll drive her if you want to stay with your wife.

Dad : is that alright?

Dr Wazouska : of course!

Dad : thank you so much!!

Dr Wazouska : no problem, cone on then.

I followed him out the room and out the hospital into his car. It was a bit awkward cause he asked me a few questions about school and things. Dr Wazouska had been our family doctor since as long as I can remember so I knew him pretty well but it was still only small talk.

We made it to my house and I quickly got changed into something nicer, put a bit of makeup on and fixed my hair. I grabbed my bag from my room and got back into the car.

I checked the time which was now ten minutes after the time I was supposed to be there. I still don't have a present for Lara but I'm sure she'll understand. Hopefully.

We finally arrived at Lara's house after telling Mr Wazouska every turn to take.

Megan : thanks.

Mr Wazouska : no problem, have fun!

He really didn't know my situation cause if he did he would know that I would not have fun. I got out the car and walked up to the door sorting my hair as I went. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

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