uno | bastardo

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Translation for Spanish words
used in this chapter —

Bastardo — take a guess ;)
Dios Mio — Oh my God
Culo — ass
La Amor — The Love

— Seville, 1869 —


"How dare you sleep with my daughter!"

Fuck fuck fuck-

Jungkook's fingers were too slow, too clumsy to finish the top buttons.

Another loud bang! from the door had him jumping once more.

"Get out right now or I'll break this door open and grab you myself!"

Shit, Jungkook, get those pants on-

He put his trousers up, just hanging on his hips.

Raising his hand to grab his coat-

Wait, where is it?

"I'm tearing this door now!!"

Fuck- "Just leave it," the boy muttered, zipping up his pants.

The mirror greeted him as he turned around, examining his dishevelled state.

A smile just happened to tug onto his lips.

Dios mio, you're one hell of a mess.


"Papa!" a shrill voiced out from behind the door. "Please don't hurt him!"

"Stand back, girl!"

Jungkook whipped his head to the door. Bull, he's gonna ram in-

He didn't wait for the man's grand entrance as he burst through the opposite door, running out as fast he could.

A hideous crash sounded from behind him.

"Come back this instance, boy!"

Ignoring his order, Jungkook raced on ahead to the hallway, eyes scowering to find the stairs.

The walls on one side disappeared, revealing just what he wanted to see.

"Don't you dare, young man-"

Quickly reaching the start of the bannister, the boy swung on top.

He gave himself a boost, and to his delight, slid down the stairs with a breathtaking pace.


As he reached the end of the staircase, Jungkook jumped off, landing swiftly on his feet.

Dusting himself, he looked up to see a servant bringing the very jacket he was searching for in the bathroom.

Quickly glancing behind him, Jungkook grabbed his possession from her, but not before brushing his fingers against hers.

Widening his smile, he whispered, "I was looking all over for this."

He put his one hand through the left armhole, then repeated the step on the right, shrugging it into a perfect fit.

The boy opened his mouth to say something else, but was rudely interrupted.

"I'm going to throw this at you, culo!"

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