doce | salado

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Translation for Spanish words
used in this chapter —

Salado — salty
Bebé — baby
desayuno — breakfast
Hijo de puta — son of a bitch


Jungkook felt the very earth slip from his feet.

Jihoo Alvarez.

Aeri's only son.

"Wha...wha..." he stuttered. "Wh-what?"

The nurse looked at the boy as if he'd gone mad. "Jungkook, surely you've seen the bebé in her arms."

The little baby giggled in the woman's arms.

Jungkook could only gape at it as if he just popped into existence, right there and then.

What the fuck. What the actual fuck—

"Niño," the nurse said, glancing at him as she rocked the baby. "You look a little pale, what's wrong?"

His knees threatened to buckle underneath him. He had to go to his room and collapse on his bed before he does so on the concrete floor.

"I-I'll see you i-in the morning, m-mama," he stuttered out.


But Jungkook didn't listen as he hurried inside the estate, up the stairs and down the hall. He burst into his room, wasting no time to lock the door shut.

He whirled around, heaving as he slugged against the door in shock.

Aeri has a child. Aeri has a fucking child.

His hands went up to his face, holding it heavy as the realisation hit him like a raging carriage.

Aeri Alvarez may have a lover.


Jungkook gained not one wink the entire night.

Even with the glorious sunlight steaming through his windows, even with the scent of deep fried croquettes roaming in the air, he felt like never getting up.

He should have realised from Aeri's attitude the moment he met her. With the cold glares, the icy cutbacks and the regular threatening of kicking his balls, it was no surprise to why she did it all.

It took a heavy toll on his mountainous arrogance. The one and only Jeon Jungkook got rejected by a mere dancer.

A soft snort emitted from the boy.

You know yourself she isn't just a mere dancer.

He cursed himself, scolded himself on being so fucking stupid.

Of course, he never gave two shits over cheating with a taken woman, even if she was married. Their experience makes their nights so much more enjoyable.

But in Aeri's case, he didn't feel like that at all.

It was different. It always was, when she was concerned.

"Jungkook! Come down for some desayuno!"

Breakfast? That was the last thing he wanted. He knew he was probably going to hurl up anything that he takes in.

"Mama, I don't want any!"

"I don't want to hear it! I made croquettes especially for you so get your ass down to the kitchen!"

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