veintisiete | pérdida

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Translation for Spanish words used in this chapter—

Pérdida — loss
Por supuesto — of course/sure thing
Tío — uncle


Fiesta de los Muertos commenced the very day after Aeri's revelation.

It was the start of the most iconic week in Spain. The very first days the entire country partied to the fullest, downing drinks, dancing and having possibly the best time of their lives.

It was a celebration to remember the deceased, the people who, either by chance or by purpose, had their lives taken from them. The occasion, obviously, was upsetting but there was no mistaking it.

Death was inevitable. So, if it is bound to happen, why be upset about it? If there's always going to be that dark realisation looming over our heads, why always fear it?

The Spanish embraced this idea, and to almost battle the painful memories of loved ones, they liven up the experiences by partying till the dawn of all week.

Jungkook adored Fiesta de los Muertos. He never properly understood the meaning of loss, but enjoyed the activities sparked up by the occasions. Of course, it was only an excuse to drink even more than he usually does, but it was one of the few times of the year, along with the Tomatina, that he truly enjoyed himself.

The first two days went by in a blur, the core entertainment of the holiday resonating in these 48 hours. The Alvarez family celebrated in full grandeur, lining up the best drinks and the most delicious food, consisting of the richest roasts, spiciest rice and saffron filled goodness, causing the whole household to nearly die just by the sheer enjoyment.

Children from the city visited the estate as well, asking for sweets and eyeing the food stacked so lavishly upon the linen-decorated tables. Gabriella and Bruno overflowed their kindness, dumping bucketfuls to the lucky kids and wishing them a happy fiesta.

Jungkook himself demanded to have some of the sweets, pouting at Aeri to give him a few of his favourites or he'll cause a scene, smirking as he saw her eyes divert to anywhere but his dancing eyes.

Oh, the filthy rascal adored her sudden shyness towards him. He didn't know that the rooftop fiasco had such an impact, but spying the dancer blushing furiously next to Ciro, who was too busy stuffing his little mouth with tortillas, had Jungkook's heart nearly jumping out of his chest.

And with those two days that ended the autumn season, the stranger among the Alvarez household had become so much more than a once-shy playboy overstaying his welcome. He'd bloomed into a boy who smiled at the dirtied faces of these Granadians, who would never want to leave the estate unless he was dragged by his feet.

But even with all these celebrations, a graver turn must be taken when the sole reason behind all this happiness were the deaths of millions occurring in the country. After the start of winter, the most important time had arrived.

All Soul's day. The event in which you truly honour your deceased.

The whole day was spent in preparation, especially the women of the family busy in the kitchens who were assigned to make the specific food.

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