veintidós | peligro

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Translation for Spanish words
used in this chapter—

Peligro — danger


Jeon Jungkook had never really been able to get over what his best friend had said that day.

He had shrugged that declaration off at first. Didn't think it seemed like much, because he knew Park Jimin and his flirtatious ways. That boy was not capable of loving someone for so long.

But there he was, wishing her a good morning whenever he woke up, complimenting Aeri whenever she wore something vibrant, looking at her like that flamenco dancer was the only girl that existed in his crescent eyes.

He looked at her in a way which made Jungkook's blood boil to the bone.

What could he do though? Jimin was his best friend, a boy he'd craved to see for so long, and now he was back he'd spent all his time on a girl Jungkook wasn't keen on sharing. At all.

But like he said, Jimin was his best friend. He'd understand his feelings, and then leave Aeri alone. Maybe that thought alone was what kept the young boy sane for the past few weeks.

Once again, he pondered in his hammock, wind teasing his messy curls as he swayed in the air, catching his father heading his way.

Jungkook didn't bother sitting up as he greeted him. "Hola, Papá. Off again?"

Sir Jeon twisted his dark grey mustache, watching the boy lay arrogantly like a Roman emperor. "Sit up straight when you're talking to me, chico."

Grumbling, Jungkook hitched up higher in his hammock, crossing his arms as looked up at his father. "Better?" he muttered.

"Hmm. I'll be gone again to get permission to extend my vineyards. Might take me a few days."

The old man turned to the other boy leaned against the wall, watching Aeri cradle her son. "I was going to let you have some time with Jimin, but he has...other interests."

Jungkook wished his father didn't mention Jimin's other interests as he pursed his thin lips. "You know him and I have our ways with women."

"Whatever those ways are, chico, I don't give a bull's arse. Trying to woo a scullery maid is the last thing I'd want Señor Park knowing of his son when I write to him this weekend. He's your friend, here to see you. Don't just ignore him like a mardy toddler."

With that, Sir Jeon, with the swift turn of his black coat, left the estate, leaving behind a rather conflicted son.

His father, even if he didn't want to admit it, was right. He had to actually interact with his friend, rather than watch him gawk at his amor like a piece of meat.

So, with uplifted spirits, Jungkook heaved off his resting place, heading over to the duo, one rocking a child and the other gazing lovingly at the first.

Aeri looked up at the boy's oncoming footsteps, and almost sighed in relief. "Ah, Señor!"

She raised Jihoo forward to him, the child close to tears. "Once again the boy will not sleep. You wouldn't mind if you-"

Jungkook took the toddler in his arms before she even finished her sentence. "Don't worry, I remember many of Mama's lullabies."

Just as he opened his mouth to sing to the child, Jimin said, "Wait, I want to hold him too!"

He looked to the mother, a gentle request misting in his eyes. Aeri nodded hesitantly, clasping her hands together.

Jungkook watched her the entire time Jimin took Jihoo from him. The latter was on his way to sing to him when suddenly the little boy burst out crying.

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