ocho | piripi

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Translation for Spanish words
used in this chapter —

Piripi — tipsy
Que mierda — what the fuck
Joder — fuck


All thoughts vanished from Jungkook's mind.

Aeri Alvarez is gone.

Over and over Namjoon's words rang in his head, teasing him, taunting him of the reality that hit the boy like a brick to the face.

A curse escaped him. "Que mierda-"

What the fuck indeed.

Jungkook stood up suddenly, nearly toppling over from the action.

Heads turned his way, trying to find the source of the sound that broke the heavy silence.

He did not care.

"Que mierda?!" He shouted, gesturing towards Namjoon.

The exclamation had the host flinching. "Wait, Jungkook-ah-"

The boy did not listen, as he stormed to where Namjoon stood on the stage.

"Talk amongst yourselves, ladies and gentlemen," the younger declared. "I'm sure this is just a false alarm."

He turned to the host. "And you," he muttered. "You've got some serious explanation to do."


Jungkook turned on his heel again, walking back and forth in frustration.

"So you're telling me," he repeated, facing Namjoon, "That she's gone because you, she and her two friends had a fight?"

Namjoon tapped his chin. "I mean, there's no other reason she would go."

"What did she fight about?" Jungkook asked, eyeing the elder with no small amount of suspicion.

Scratching his head, Namjoon explained,"Wages. She kept asking to give more money to fellow dancers and musicians, especially her little friends."

A raised eyebrow . "And what did you say to that?"

The slight stutter in Namjoon's voice did not go unnoticed as he got out, "W-well...uh..."

Now even more skeptical, Jungkook snapped, "Go on!"

"Well..I uh...I kinda just laughed like it was all a big joke, but when I saw the seriousness of her demand I got...angry."

An aggravated curse escaped the boy, as he again paced in that rapid line.

"Dios mio," he muttered, over and over. "Dios fucking mio-"

"Jungkook, please," Namjoon started, coming in Jungkook's trail. "You have to understand, she was getting way out of line!"

He followed the furious boy, walking in line with him as he explained, "When girls like her get fame too quickly, it goes straight to their heads. That's exactly what happened to Aeri.

"Don't get me wrong, I do like her dancing, but the arguments just stressed me out too much."

A scoff sounded from Jungkook, quickening his pace.

Girls like her. The phrase pissed him off a lot.

"Don't men like you only care for profit?" He snarled, locking his hands behind his back.

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