cuatro | perros

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Translation for Spanish words
used in this chapter —

Perros — dogs
Cristo — Christ
Tonto — silly


Jungkook's hand did not leave his cheek, even as he eventually left the club, not bothering to look for his friend as he got a carriage home.

The entire ride back, the boy had thought of one person, the one woman who had engraved his mind, his heart, his very soul.

Aeri Alvarez, his being sang, over and over in his body. Aeri 'La Amor' Alvarez.

He had barely thought about anything else, which shocked him. Obviously, women clouded his mind on a regular basis, but it was never one for a whole damn evening.

"Señor, we're here."

Jungkook blinked. "Hmm?" He looked out the window. "Oh, right."

He stepped out the carriage, looking back at the driver."Gracias amigo."

"But señor, the money-"

Plastering a smile, he said, "Wait here a minute, boy, I'll get the fare from inside."

Turning on his heel, Jungkook made his way back to the entrance, surprised to find the door wide open.

He went inside, spotting his nurse shooting up from her seat.

"Niño!" she hurried over to where she stood, putting a hand on his already covered cheek. "Oh, what's this?"

She took his hand from his cheek, seeing the redness blooming still. "Cristo, Jungkook, what happened?"

The boy only looked down at his nurse, grinning wildly at her. "Aeri Alvarez happened, Mama."

The woman furrowed her eyebrows. "The dancer? I'm confused, when did-"

Seeing the driver waiting impatiently as she glanced ahead of Jungkook, she gave him a look. "I suppose you've no coin?"

A sheepish look from him had her sighing. "Tonto," she muttered, fishing her purse from her pocket. "I'll give the money, and you go and sleep."

Nodding, Jungkook proceeded forward, grabbing a candle from the sidetable. He then walked through a short hallway and up the stairs, the path all black save for the light bleeding from the candle.

His bedroom was the first one at the front. Stumbling inside, he set the candle atop the cabinet, not bothering to change as he jumped straight to the bed.

Fatigue engulfed him like a lover's embrace, his bedsheets giving out the sense of warmth that would radiate either from coffee, beer, or skin-on-skin contact.

Oh, did he love the feeling of the last one.

And just like that, the craving of a certain woman's contact came rushing to him like a river flooding in the raging waters of pleasure.

Jungkook closed his eyes.

Sleep took him swift, for it tempted the boy through dreams of a dancing girl in red, clapping her castanets and smiling at him.

That fucking smile, seducing him in his slumber.

Why wouldn't he want that for the next ten hours?



Jungkook jolted upwards, eyes snapping open.

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