a u t h o r ' s n o t e

7.4K 507 477

hola, mis amigos.

Can you BELIEVE we've reached the end? Of Casanova???

Yeah, me neither.

Oh my God, just writing this now is making me a little overwhelmed. After nearly two years of struggle, long periods of writer's block, thousands of words of drafting, I was able to finally swipe the 'complete' switch of the book.

And what a ride it has been.

There are so many things about this book. So many emotions I've poured into this story. Even though it is a simple story of a playboy and a feisty girl, it became so much more.

Now, the first section of this note — the book itself and some of its facts

I originally wanted to keep this book extremely simple — fuckboy sees beautiful girl, falls head over heels, girl hates his womanising ass but the love-hate relationship turns into a true love story — in fact, the first plot for this was just Jungkook solely trying to win Aeri's heart, and Jimin comes in, making it a vicious love triangle.

The bits about Taehyung, the poor, the justice system, the cousins, nothing of this was ever thought of in my drafts. The extra moral lessons, I always thought were unnecessary. Thank fuck I saw that that was wrong.

Originally, also, Jimin was to be the father of Aeri's child. It would have made the story so much juicier, no? However, me being the drama whore, I wanted to surprise you all, and seeing you already predict Jimin made me realise I needed to pull a proper plot twist out my ass. Thank Dios for Kim Namjoon.

Oh my God, another twist of the story was that after the trial, Jungkook and Aeri were to have a huge fight. Like, so bad that they're relationship hangs by a thread — Jungkook, at some point, tries to fuck another girl, but then moments before realises his mistake. That, by far, was the dumbest shit I thought for the whole story.

Like I said. The drama whore in me is a thirsty bitch.

Jesus on a tightrope, I even had the bright idea that during the Aeri x Jimin confrontation, Jimin, to piss Jungkook off, kisses her which then would have caused the latter to knock him out. I then realised it would have undermined Aeri's authority, and I would never do my bitch dirty.

Now to section two — a few thank yous

They're some people that I owe my infinite gratitude.

Firstly, the Spanish readers who corrected any grammar which I got wrong. I'm not fluent in the language at all, so all of you angels helping out meant a lot. Muchas gracias.

To my Mom, who frequently makes appearances on my author's notes. But how could she not? She was one of the main reasons Casanova become so complex in its plot. She'd always give pointers, plot twists and certain dialogue which I know enriched this story more. I hope she doesn't read this, though, because she does not know about the 3K worded smut. Still. I love you Mama. Like, a fucking lot.

Lastly, to all of you. Each and everyone of you people, that interacted with this story. Whether it be a spam, a single vote, or nothing but a ghost read, it was this that brought this story to where it is. Without you, this story would have been pending still. Probably unpublished, even, as I went through long periods of frustration with it.

The heartfelt comments, the messages I've received for this book has brought me to tears many times. The constant support, even during the hiatus, made my heart swell so much to the point I was sure I was having a stroke, but maybe that's just my obesity telling me to fix it. Point is, amigos, y'all gave me confidence. Y'all gave me belief in my writing.

Do you know how powerful that is? The worth of certain words and what they can do to a person? Your words, specifically, changed me. Call me dramatic, but honestly y'all gave me a hope that I could do something with this skill.

Because of y'all, I truly began to dream. I began to wonder if I could really become a writer. And with your consistent encouragement, I then realised how this dream of mine could become a reality.

In truth, I never thought Casanova would reach the heights it resides on today. When it reached 1K reads, I was on a high, but seeing it harbour over 200K now fills me with so much pride.

Thank you. Truly.

Section three — special chapters?

I don't know if I'll release some this month, but what I'm positive is that I will publish some. And because I adore y'all more than the chicken strips I wolfed down like a fatass, you may choose which people, couple, potential couple I should write about. Any themes, scenarios in mind? Share them if you wish! I'd love to write more for y'all.

Now. Truly the end.

I feel like you're all bored listening to me, but this is all feelings of the heart.

Thank you. For the votes, the comments, the offer of a dream I thrive in when I see it. For everything.

You guys made it possible for me to dream a little more wild. To wish to write not just for people here, but to the whole world. Not just type away words on the phone to read it online, but to have a solid book in my hands, read it page by page.

So thank you for a lovely dream, amigos. It was a wonder in itself to live it then, now, and hopefully forever.

I will see y'all either in the next chapter, another book, or another life altogether.

Te amo.

— RK.

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