tres | sediento

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Translation for Spanish words
used in this chapter —

Sediento — thirsty
Señorita — miss
Perra — bitch
Mi amor — my love


Namjoon stepped onto the stage. "A fire performance from Aeri Alvarez! But don't worry, all of you, the club is still open so drink away, amigos!"

He stepped down the podium, and the murmuring instantly spread through the crowd, clearly taking about the last performance, about the woman who performed it.

Jungkook's  heart was hammering within, threatening to burst through his chest.

What was that, he demanded from himself, over and over again. What the fuck was that?

His eyes were darting to everyone and everything, trying to get the image of this wildfire being out of his mind.

Her eyes, her dance, her lips-

Her smile.

Her damned smile.

Jungkook finished his wine, pouring himself some more.

He was bewitched. As if that Aeri Alvaraz had drugged him with her very existence, pulled him in with that smile-

Oh, how that man wished she was here right now.

Because his heart didn't seem the only part of him that was shot up.

Wine. I need more wine.

Jungkook grabbed hold of the bottle, the object heavy enough to indicate that the Sangria was way off finishing.

Satisfied, he got his glass, filling it to the brim. He still wasn't used to the divine taste of the drink as it met his mouth for the umpteenth time.


The boy turned around, seeing that very bartender, except the sensuality smiled onto her face was now replaced with mild irritance.

"Yes?" he asked, innocently to his own surprise. Maybe it was the wine.

"You have the fare for this..." her eyes narrowed. "Am I right?"

"Well, of course-" Jungkook's hand went inside his pockets, hoping for a peseta coin to give him a nice surprise.

Unfortunately, his fingers only met the silk folds of his inner pockets.


"Well, señor?"

The boy poked his tongue into his inner cheek, mentally cursing himself.

Suddenly, he looked up to her, an idea popping into his head like a light bulb flicking in his mind.

A smile crept onto his wine-stained lips. "Just...just put it on my friend's tab. Kim Seokjin?"

The bartender laughed, taking a notebook from the counter and ripping out a page. "You really are a culo aren't you?"

"Bet that took you days to figure out," Jungkook mused, raising his drink to her and taking a long sip.

The boy was wondering where Jin had gone when the bartender spoke again.

"So...what was it like for you, seeing her?"

Jungkook froze, the tip of the glass barely touching his wet bottom lip.

He didn't need clarification over who 'her' was. Dios, his heart jumped at the girl's implication.

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