quince | fiesta

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Translation for Spanish words
used in this chapter —

Fiesta — party
Cállate — shut up
Mi pequeña flor — my little flower


Jeon Jungkook felt more restless as the days went by, counting down the hours, minutes, seconds on the dawn of the festival.

Soon, the Tomatina was but a day away, lingering so close the boy could practically taste the events.

No one knew what the excitement was in throwing tomatoes at each other, but Dios, the last Wednesday of every August had always been his favourite.

His usual Tomatina would consist of staying in the little town of Buñol, bringing a special girl of that year with him to remind him of the other forms of pleasure undertaking before the festival.

Then, the lining of millions and millions of tomatoes, which you pick up, squeeze, and at the count of speaker, you'd start hurling.

Most men use this golden opportunity to get extra handsy with significant others or just women they lust after, whether the poor ladies wanted it or not.

They only have a single hour until officials demand to stop, bringing out the huge water tanks carried by dozens of horses to be sprayed at the general public who participated.

It's all just good fun in the end. Jungkook And Jimin always kept that in mind, before sneaking away to another town and wilding away till the word 'sober' fades away in their existences.

Because Jungkook and Jimin were definitely not allowed to participate in such a barbaric event. No, they were aristocrats, men who made society and shall control it with a little self restraint.

It was just too bad that the boys did not care at all.

If only Jimin was coming this year, Jungkook thought sadly, laid peacefully on his hammock as his one booted foot swayed the stringy bed. It's been a dull three Tomatina-less years.

Yes, the poor boy, for his best friend's sake, didn't attend the festival after he left for Italy. Not only was it a little boring, but the thought of fucking around without him didn't settle well in him.


The boy sat up instantly over the voice, turning around to see his father, suited and booted as he carried an average sized suitcase in his hand.

"Don't mess around while I'm gone, chico," He guttered. "I'll be back in a few days after I finish the Tomatina."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow. "Sorry for being a bit blunt here, but you're not exactly a party animal. Why would you want to go?"

Sir Jeon scoffed gravely. "Alcohol consumers rise ten times as much in Buñol during the festival. If I see an opportunity, chico, I will take it."

"Don't have too much fun, Papa, or else everyone will know where I got my recklessness from."


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