I'm So Buzzed (Pt. Two)

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::Jacob's P.O.V::

I groaned lightly as I opened my eyes and was blinded by sunlight. I squinted my eyes a little and looked at the ceiling that was above me. I sat up and looked around, "woah" I said as I was hit with a wave of dizziness. I blinked a couple of times and sat there, I ran my hand through my hair a couple times before finally getting a good luck around. I was still at Ray's house, which was good because that meant I didn't drive anywhere while I was drunk. 

No one else was there, I was the only one in the living room matter of fact. Where was Ray at? And also Chresanto? I stood to my feet and began to search around. "Chres?" I asked as I looked around in the kitchen, when I saw he wasn't there, I went to the backyard and searched around some more. It wasn't that long of a search because I ended up finding him. He was in Ray's guest bedroom sound asleep

I looked at him, he was bundled up in the blanket as his chest rose and fell, and rose again. I bit my lip lightly as I thought to myself, I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. "Do you remember what happened last night?" Ray asked, I shook my head a little "no". I didn't remove my eyes from Chresanto at all. "He's got a hell of a bruise on his side" Ray informed lightly, "just to let you know". "What happened?" I asked, "Myles showed up and started beating the shit out of him, something about Heather? I don't know". 

"Where the hell was I?" I asked as I looked at him, "in the bathroom throwing up the shots you drunk" "and I missed helping him?" He nodded, "yeah, but I got Myles off him, it wasn't that long of a fight, he was kicked out quick, I swear". "Damn" I rubbed the side of my face, "yeah, well, I'm gonna go" he said before walking away. I poked the inside of my cheek with my tongue before walking over and sitting down next to Chres. 

"Chres" I said as I nudged him, "hmm" he hummed as he stirred in his sleep. "Ray told me about what happened last night" I said, "sorry I wasn't there to help you out". "It's okay" he said lightly as he yawned, "can I see the, uh, bruise?" I asked lightly. He lifted up his shirt and showed me the dark red, with a touch of purple bruise. I dropped my shoulders at the sight of it, "does it hurt bad?" He nodded and said "mhm". 

"I can beat his ass for you, I know I got punched in the jaw that one time, but I actually can fight" I offered as I laid down next to him, he shook his head a little "it's okay". "No, it's not, he beat you up over some petty shit" I explained, "if Heather really wanted an apology, she would be the one coming up to you; not him". "My head hurts" he said as he turned over and rested his head on my chest. I sighed lightly and placed my arm around him. He flinched, "ow" I lifted up my arm, "sorry" "it's okay". I closed my eyes and thought about what I'd do to Myles the next time I saw him.


I guess I ended up falling asleep, because I was suddenly awakened by Chresanto, I wouldn't say he woke me up, persay, I just felt him moving. I opened my eyes and saw him sitting up. He was looking off into space as he narrowed his eyes, he shook his head a little. "What're you thinking about?" I asked curiously, "nothing" he answered as he looked at me. 

He had a small bruise on the right side of his jaw, like the one I once had. He smiled suddenly, "what're you smiling for?" I asked. "What all do you remember from last night?" He questioned, "not much, honestly" I answered. He looked at me for a second then said "okay". I suddenly remembered one key thing that happened and I sat up and kissed him. "You're my boyfriend" I stated, "I remember that".

He chuckled and nodded a little, "yeah". "Have you ever had a boyfriend before?" I asked curiously as I sat next to him, he shook his head then. "No" he confessed, "kind of new to it" "it's just like being in a relationship with a girl, except there's no vaginas and periods" I said with a nod. 


Jacob, where the hell were you!? were the words that smacked me in the face when I walked into the house. I looked at my uncle and sighed lightly, "I was at Rayan's house, I got a little drunk and I ended up staying later than I expected". "It's three in the afternoon!" "I had a hangover!?" I replied in, both, confusion and frustration. My headache was beginning to return due to the fact that he was yelling and so was I.

"Michael, you just better be glad that he's home and that he wasn't out driving when he was intoxicated" my mom said as she walked up to me, she placed a hand on my forehead and gave me a small smile. "I was worried about you" she said lightly, "I know, I'm sorry, I should've called... But I was drunk and I wasn't thinking right" I explained softly. "It's okay, as long as you're here and alright" she kissed my cheek before taking a step back. 

"I knew I shouldn't have let you go to that damn party!" My uncle said loudly, he was pacing around and shaking his head a little. "I almost got in the car and went over there to get you!" He added, I rubbed my temple and looked at the floor. "Then why the hell didn't you!?" I asked suddenly, "what?" He replied. "I said, well then why the hell didn't you!?" I repeated. He stared at me, "obviously you weren't that concerned to come and get me! So I don't even understand why you're so pissed off right now!" 

"I didn't come and get you because you're the one who said you wanted more freedom around here, Jacob" he said as he placed out his hands, "I didn't say I wanted more freedom, I just said that I didn't want all these questions shoved down my fucking throat" I shot back, "you didn't even call or text me, at all. So obviously you weren't that concerned about me". "Calm down, the both of you" my mom said lightly as she looked at us both, I looked at her and sighed. 

I was going to go to my room and lay down, I was so close to walking away but then.... God, I wish you weren't like this! I looked at my uncle and furrowed my eyebrows "like what?" "Like this! So damn defiant and hard to talk to sometimes, and.... And gay!" "Michael!" My mom shouted. I shoved him, "you know what? Fuck you!" I said, "just fuck you!"

"Michael, you apologize!" My mother said, shocked. "He has to apologize too!" My uncle replied, "for what? For being who I am? For not being straight and not liking girls!? Well I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry I don't like girls as much as I do guys, I'm so fucking sorry!" Tears of frustration filled my eyes as I stared at him. "What do you want from me? I can't just change my sexual orientation, it doesn't work like that" I said as I wiped my tears away with the back of my hand. 

"Just.... Just go to your damn room" my uncle said as he turned away from me, "gladly" I said before storming up to my room. I slammed the door shut and collapsed on my bed, I stuffed my face into my pillow and cursed like a sailor. I took deep breaths as I closed my eyes, my head was pounding now. I could barely stand it. 

I suddenly felt my phone vibrate, I slowly pulled it out my pocket and answered it. I didn't even bother to look at the caller I.D. "Hello?" I greeted, "hi" it was Chresanto. "Hey" I said lightly, "are you okay?" I sniffed, "yeah, I'm fine". "You sure?" "Yeah, okay", there was a pause before he finally said "okay, I was, uh, just calling to see if I could get some more Spanish help?" I smiled a little, "yeah". "You don't mind?" "No, not at all". 


Sorry for any mistakes.



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