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::Chresanto's P.O.V::

"You don't have to go to school today" my dad as I walked down the stairs, I dropped my bag by the front door and shrugged. "It's Friday, I might as well go, dad" I said lowly, I haven't gotten much sleep last night, despite how tired I was yesterday. "So you're not gonna tell me what happened yesterday?" I shook my head, "no". "Oh, okay" "yeah, um, can I have some burnt toast and super crispy bacon today?" I asked. He looked at me and nodded, "yeah". I followed him into the kitchen and watched him make breakfast for me and him. 

"Can we talk about mom, please?" I asked as I traced the wood of the kitchen table. "Um.... I'd rather not, but... I guess so" he said uncomfortably. "Okay, i-is she alive?" He nodded, "mhm". He placed the plate of burnt toast and crispy bacon in front of me. "Do you miss her?" He shrugged then, "I don't know. I think about her, but I don't know if I really miss her". "What happened?" I asked, "she, uh, got pregnant, and after you were born things just weren't the same.... So we called it quits and went our separate ways". "So it was my fault" I said as I looked up at him. He shook his head, "no, it was mine. I was the one who got her pregnant; not you". 


School was the same as all the other days. People talked to me, and people talked about me. My eye was still pretty bruised so I got a bunch of girls asking me what happened and if I was okay. I passed Heather in the halls and she avoided eye contact with me. I also saw Myles and Cole, I wanted to go and hide when I saw them on the quad, but that's what cowards do and I surely didn't want to be classified as a coward. I walked passed them, "d'you apologize to Heather yet?" Myles asked to me. I ignored him and kept walking, I was so close to being free but I suddenly found myself staring at the grass. 

I was flipped over and pinned down by Myles, "I said, did you apologize to Heather yet?" "I heard you the first time and no, I didn't, and I'm not going to" I said lowly, "now get the hell off me". This wasn't fair. None of this was fair. He was stronger than me and I couldn't do anything. I wasn't even bothering him this time.  "I think you owe her an apology" "for what? Everything that I said the other day was completely true!" I said, people were gathering now. I just wanted him to get up off me. I just wanted to walk away, but I was growing agitated yet again. 

"Heather stole those things and it's completely true that she snorts Ritalin before exams" I said as I struggled underneath his grip. "You probably snort some too, considering how low of a grade level you've probably got" I said as I stared at him. 

::Jacob's P.O.V::

I was walking to my locker when a herd of kids came pushing past me. I looked around and heard one of them yell "there's a fight out on the quad!" I shook my head a little, the kids at my school were ridiculous. They always got a thrill out of seeing a fight taking place. I stopped by my locker and grabbed my books before walking out of the building. I stepped out into the quad and heard yelling and screaming. 

I was going to turn the other way but I saw Elijah trying to push his way through the crowd. "Elijah!" I said as I jogged up to him, "what're you doing?" "M-My friend's in there!" He said frantically, I looked at him and watched as he forced himself to the center of the group of kids. I followed behind him and when I got to the center I saw the kid from my chemistry class and two kids from my gym class, Myles and Cole. I watched as they beat the poor kid into the ground.

I looked around and saw people recording and taking pictures with their cell phones. Why wasn't anybody helping him? Why wasn't I helping him? I watched as he tried to fight back but it wasn't doing a thing. I knew how strong Myles and Cole were, he didn't stand a chance at all. I was suddenly shoved into the center of the brawl and managed to get in the way and earn a fist to the jaw. "That's for calling your damn dad!" A kid shouted from somewhere, I furrowed my eyebrows. My dad? My uncle? What were they talking about? I didn't call anybody!

I got shoved around and I landed on my back. I groaned lightly and rolled over, I tried to sit up but my head pounded horribly. I looked up and for some reason the crowd of kids began to leave in a hurry. I didn't understand why until I heard police sirens. Someone had called the cops. 

"Jacob!" I looked around and caught a glimpse of my uncle running across the quad towards to me. I looked away, "are you okay?" He asked as he dropped down beside me. "I'm fine" I mumbled as I rubbed my arm. "Are you hurt? Who did this to you?" I looked anywhere but at him and saw some kids snickering at me. I suddenly grew angry. "Jacob, are you sure you're alright?" "Yeah, I said I was fine! Why the hell are you even here?" "Someone called and I was already on my way to pick you up" he explained. 

The same group of kids laughed and I pushed myself away from him. "Go away, tio" I grumbled, I massaged my jaw with my hand and shook my head a little. "Jacob, I do-" "Just go away! Leave me alone, I don't want you near me right now!" I shouted as I stood to my feet. "That's no way to talk to me, Jacob" he said as he stood up too, "you're supposed to respect your family members".

"You're not my family member right now!" I shouted, it grew silent all around me as a few more kids stopped what they were doing and stared at us. I looked down and stuffed my hands in my pockets, I shook my head a little, "you're not my family member right now, all you are is a damn cop".

::Chresanto's P.O.V::

I sat up as blood oozed from my nose, I brought up my hand and covered my nose. "Damn" I cursed, my hand was shaking slightly from what had just happened to me. I slowly stood to my feet and looked over and saw a police officer walking towards me. "Are you okay?" "I-I'm.... Yeah, I'm fine" I said, my blood stained my hand and I switched to the other one. "Clamp your nose and tilt your head up slightly" the police officer informed. I did as I was told, "I can take you to the nurse?" I nodded a little, "please". 

I was walked back into the school and to the main office and to the nurse's office. There the officer handed me over to the nurse. I wanted to say thank you, but I couldn't without tasting nothing but iron. My body was still shaking from the fight and as I removed my hand, my blood came leaking from my nose. I slumped down a little, "who did this to you?" The nurse said as she washed her hands clean.

"No one" I lied. My father always told me not to snitch, so did my peers. You always got hurt if you snitched on someone. "You can tell me, I won't tell anyone" she reassured, I looked down and looked back up when my blood dripped onto my shirt. "These two kids.... I-I don't know their names" I lied, "sorry". 

::Jacob's P.O.V::

The car ride home was deathly silent. I turned my body away from my uncle and stared blankly out the window. I watched cars and trees go by until he pulled into the driveway of the house. I got out and walked inside to be greeted by my mother who was setting the table for three. "Set it for two because I'm not hungry" I said quietly, "Jacob, sweetie, what happened?" She asked. I instinctively touched my jaw, "nothing".
Sorry for any mistakes. I didn't proof read. 

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