How To Not Lose A Guy in Two Years

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I do not believe that it is my fault that Lucas hooked up with half the senior class after we broke up, which, cliche as it is, changed the course of my life forever; even though it is, technically, my fault, I blame him. The outcome was favorable, I'm going to college with my boyfriend whom I love and is faithful. But for the sake of retelling my senior year as truthfully as possible, this is the summer right before my least hateful year of life.

Earlier today I went shopping with Quinn and Scarlet, we had our make up done and had gone to several shops before going back to my place, Archer Estate. I was checking my Instagram when I got the text.

     Hey, you wanna get ice cream?

Lucas Haynes Coburn is one of the clingiest boyfriends I've ever had. And yet, I just can't leave him. He is such a sweetheart, and that dick. He acts like I could leave him any second, but he's got one of the biggest pricks in school, and he knows how to use it. I can't get enough of him. Why would I drop him?

However, I am going to the beach tomorrow, so I'd better respond positively.


It takes a minute but he responded with Be there in 15. He's actually a really safe driver so it really does take him fifteen minutes instead of the five it takes me to get to his place.

I have the time, so I redo my mascara from earlier and lighten my eye shadow. The old door bell rings and I go to answer the door. Luca stands there in his six foot three glory.

"Hey, Ebony. Ready to go?" Luca always looks as if he hasn't a care in the world. His blond hair is messy and his face is smiling. Today, he's wearing an old football jersey and jeans, similar to what he first wore when he asked me out.

"Yeah, let me get my sunglasses out of the car though," I say as I shut the door behind me. He holds my hand as we walk down the stone steps to his cherry Mustang. I quickly nab my glasses out of my truck. We drive in silence with his hand on my thigh.

George, Washington, is the closest town, but all of the ice cream shops are shit, so we bop along to Quincy where Sarah's Ice Cream Shoppe is rarely known by the population, although minors in George always hit it up. Today, there were a couple girls swiping through their phones sitting outside.

Luca parks the car and runs around to open my door for me. We walk to the door.

"So, how are you? We haven't talked much recently," he says.

I look at him incredulously. "You know I've been at camp, I can't talk much there. I'm not even supposed to have my phone in the first place."

"Oh, right." He looks off, obviously embarrassed. I open the door and we walk in. Immediately, the aroma of hot coffee and strawberries slams me. We both look at the menu even though we already know what we want.

"Aren't you leaving for the beach tomorrow?" I nod. "Great," Luca says, checking his watch. "How long are you gone again? A week?"

"Ten days." Then I kind of smirk. "I don't know what you're afraid of. Maybe it's the thought of me hooking up with some hot beach dude. Don't worry, I'll resist. I'll only kiss them if they're taller than six feet." I laugh, he doesn't.

"What would you like today?" asks April, the newest employee of Sarah's.

"One and a half scoops of mint chocolate chip  in a cone and," I say when she looks at Luca. "Three scoops of superman also in a cone."

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