How Could You Be So ____(adjective)

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     Sage's townhouse, barely within a half mile of city limits, just fits her mother, dogs, and herself. The house itself stands two stories, its brick corners slightly eroded. A white light shines through Sage's window. However, the others glow hazy yellow. The dogs' shrill yaps can be heard as we pull into the drive. I stop the truck and throw the keys over my head, walking to the porch. Quinn slams the door as she gets out, I barely have to glance back before she apologizes.
Pushing in the brass knob, I skip towards the stairs while Quinn turns to the kitchen. Bow and Arrow attack our ankles, yipping and whining for affection. I pet their heads as I walk upstairs into Sage's room.

     "Yeah, throw the rifle to Ben. Logan, leave the damn trap alone before- Yes, I'm sure it's a trap. Maybe because Xavi just- Killed himself again! What in actual hell are you- Oh, hey, Eb. Oh, the guys say hi too." Sage sits on the edge of her bed with her headset on and leaning forward, clicking rapidly on a controller.

     "Watcha playing?" I ask, leaning on the wall.

     Sage doesn't look up."What do you think your- Drew, what the hell. Why in the name of hell would you give Xavier the freaking, you absolute bowl."

      Quinn walks in and sits beside Sage on the bed. "'Sup, Bitch."

     "You know what? You idiots are completely useless, I'm out. Good luck finishing the rest of the career without me. Because you can't!" Sage throws down her headset and turns off the console. "Whew! Well that was fun! By the way, you guys are late. But there's really no use giving an excuse is there, knowing Quinn." She snorts.

     "So," Quinn says, trying to ignore the insult. "Not that it would've been my fault if Ebony was there on time for me, but how are the guys?"

     "They're annoying, like what in hell was Xavier truly trying to accomplish?" Sage waves her hand. "Okay, but anyhow, what do you want to do? We have all night to do whatever and leave at... seven? So yeah, as long we sleep here we can get up around seven and leave." A trumpet's fanfare blasts my ass; I check my phone.

      "Hey, so Lacy's party is tonight. I mean it's Lacy and her group, I know you guys don't like them. However, it's something to do, and I bet, like, Max or Daniel will be there." I say, showing them the text Lacy sent.

     "Great something to do and the excuse to leave early is we have to go to the beach. Besides, good chance there's free food," Quinn says. Sage nods.

     "I'll drive?" I ask. They both nod and we walk downstairs. Tammy, Sage's mom, is in the kitchen baking cookies. "Hey, Tammy, we're going out."

     She turns around, holding a tray. "Well if it ain't Ebony Archer, I haven't seen you in a lifetime! How are ya, Darlin'?" Tammy says, setting down the tray with a clatter.

     "I'm great, Tammy." 

     "Well? Come on over here, Sweetie, give me a hug." She gives me the biggest bear hug she can and after a minute lets me go.

     "When will y'all get back?"

     "Don't know Mom," Sage says.

     "Okay, I guess ya don't want an old woman like me gettin' in the fun o' thangs. But I don't suppose y'all'd want a cookie or two. They're cinnamon."

     "Thanks, Mom," Sage says and takes one. Quinn and I follow suite. We go outside and I start my pickup; Sage and Quinn get in the bed. Slowly, I roll down the window while Sage and Quinn settle.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2019 ⏰

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