C33: Enough

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"Took you long enough." He smiled, pushing himself off of the wall he was leaning on.

Natasha stepped out in front of me as a protective measure for Steve.

"I'm going to fucking kill you." I gritted through my teeth.

"Didn't work the first time you tried." He sighed, pulling a knife out of his waist line. "Anyways... I'm not here for you soldier."

My expression dropped at the mention of 'soldier.' Maybe he was an old colleague? A mission? Recruit? I have no idea, but he does look so familiar.

"You didn't have to involve them." Natasha shook her head.

"But you already did." He pointed to her with his knife.

I knelt down to the floor, and sat Steve down next to the table with the picture on it from earlier.

"Stay here. Don't move. You'll hurt yourself." I whispered to him, folding his hands over the jacket on his stomach. "Keep holding this. Don't let go. You understand me?"

He let out a pained sigh, giving me as much confirmation as I needed.

I stood up carefully and ran over towards the blonde across the room.

"Bucky!" Natasha yelled as I launched my body on to his and slammed him onto the floor.

He laughed as I pinned him down and grabbed the knife out of his hands.

"Still so defensive aren't you?" He whispered up at me.

"Don't say another damn word to me or I'll slit your throat." I said hovering the blade on his chin.

"I'd like to see you try."

And with that, it was a matter of seconds before the roles were reversed. He used his legs to flip me over and slammed my arm down onto the floor making the knife slip out of my hand.

"You know... you should really know your place. Remember where you came from soldier. I can throw you right back into hell." He gritted grabbing my jaw in his hand.

"Stop calling me that." I muttered as I took both of my arms and pushed his shoulders up forcefully.

He fell into the back of the couch, giving me enough time to stand up and regain my balance.

"Natasha. Help him." I pointed down to Steve. "Now!"

She grabbed the blade that slid out of my hand just seconds ago and ran over to his side.

"You're gonna be just fine Rogers." I heard her mutter to him, right before the angry blonde in front of me was pushing me into our bedroom door.

The door gave way from behind me, sending me onto the floor with a thud and him landing forcefully on top of me. I looked at the bed frame that was inches away from my face and remembered the last time I was on the floor like this.

The hidden knives.

I ran a hand underneath the bed and smiled a little when I landed on a short silver blade. I grabbed the knife and swung it towards him, landing a spot in the spot between his neck and his shoulder.

I pulled the knife out when he hissed in pain, and pushed him off of me, where he fell to the floor beside my legs. I scurried over to him and clenched his jacket in my fist, wanting to hit him as hard as I could but also wanting to make him suffer.

"Listen here you worthless piece of shit, I don't appreciate you coming after my friend like that, and I certainly as hell don't appreciate what you've done to my boyfriend. So I'll give you two options." I watched as his eyes flickered to the other side of the room to avoid eye contact. He growled when I slashed the side of his cheek to draw his attention back towards me.

"Look at me. Here's your first option, I can kill you slowly and painfully and make you die in the worst way possible, and you should know I'm not bluffing because I'm certain you've seen me do it before... or... you can take me back to your little hell hole with all the little rats you've been working with, and I can let Natasha do what she wants with them... oh... and then you'll die less painfully."

"Define less painfully." He rolled his eyes.

"Hmm. I guess a bullet would work."

"That's awfully kind of you."

"You've got two seconds to choose one before I make up your mind for you."

There was a silence between us as he closed his eyes in thought.

"All right well I guess the..." I sighed.

"I'll take the second." He finished.

"Didn't peg you as the traitor type."

"Didn't peg you as the boyfriend type." He grinned.

"I didn't ask your permission." And with that I slammed his head into the wooden floor.

His head fell over to his side as he passed out. I pushed myself off of the ground and stumbled to regain my footing on the bed frame. The knife in my hand dropped onto the mattress as the blood rushed to my head leaving me with an instantaneous headache.

"Bucky?" Natasha's voice called out from the living room.

"Yeah I'm coming." I mumbled grabbing my head and moving my way out of the bedroom.

"He's still breathing, but he's not talking."

"Is he awake?"


"Damnit Steve." I whispered kneeling down on the floor next to them.

"Get me a towel, some water, and whatever you think will help from under our bathroom sink." I ended up stating as I pulled Steve's head up into my lap.

Natasha stared at me for a second, backing away from us, and falling back onto her knees.

"Natasha, now." I raised my voice, trying to snap her out of her daze.

"Yeah sorry." She shook her head and hurried to stand up from where she was currently sitting.

"Hey Stevie. Now would be a great time to open your eyes okay?" I whispered down to him wiping the hair away from his forehead.

I looked down his body where his hand was covering the first gash. It looked to be mostly dark, he was still bleeding just not as much.

"Natasha he's going to bleed out of you don't hurry the hell up!" I yelled, angry at myself for letting this happen, even though she was probably just now going through the cabinet.

Before I knew it, a tear slipped down my face. I wiped it away, but another took its place. I grabbed his hand that was lying limply in the floor and raised it to my lap, holding it with my own hands and tracing the lines in his skin.

"Please... I can't do this without you."

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