Chapter 8

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"Are you kidding me?", I nearly screamed. I still couldn't believe what he just said. "Uhm, no?", Niall answerd looking confused. "Of course I want to!", I jumped off the bench and caught the security looking at me. I ignored it. "This is like the best idea ever!!" Niall laughed and hugged me. "Great!", he said, "Then let's go back to our hotel and grap our things!"

After another flight full of excitement, we arrived on the Heathrow Airport. As we got our baggage and went out, our car was waiting for us. We hurried because some girls noticed Niall and closed the car door quickly. "Phew that was close.", I sighed. Then I finally noticed the four smiling faces. The other boys were in the car, too! "Hello there, beauty!", Harry said and winked at me. I ignored him and tried not to blush. "Hi! Thank you for picking us up!", I said looking at each one of them, except Harry. We talked a bit through the drive and as the car stopped for the first time, Zayn said: "So, here's my apartment. See you later this day?" "Sorry, me and Liam are going to meet Danielle and Eleanor for a double date tonight.", Louis said, winking at Liam. "Ok. What about you, Harry?" Harry looked at me. "Well, I don't know. If Noelle is going to stay with me and Louis, I can not leave her alone the first night." "It's ok", I replied, "I'm really tired, so you can go." "Nah, you can't do that, Hazza!", Niall horned in, "I have time today, Zayn. What about playing some video games at your's?" "Okay then. See ya later!", Zayn shouted and got out of the car. The next stop was Niall's flat and then Liam's. When we finally arrived Harry's and Louis' apartment, I was half asleep. We hopped out the car and into their home. "Sorry for the mess!" Harry picked up some of Louis' clothes. "No problem", I answered, "My room looks excaclty the same!" Louis showed me everything, while Harry tried to tidy up. It was a large apartment: The living room was quite big and had nice furniture. The boys had a huge TV and a great view over London. Their bed rooms were next to each other, but with a bathroom between them. It must have been really expensive, especially because this flat was in London! Louis then showed me the room, where I could stay. It even had its own bath! After Louis left me, I put my pyjama on (a t-shirt and a boxershort with the Union Jack on it) and brushed my teeth. Louis knocked on my door, saying that he was going to leave for the double date now. I said goodbye to him and went to the living room, where Harry watched TV. "May I join you?", I asked. He looked at my boxershorts and said: "Of course!" I sat next to him. We didn't talk for a while then Harry tried to say something. "I, uhm, do you want to watch a movie?" He looked at me and I lost myself a few seconds in his eyes. But only a few seconds. "Uhm, yes please. What movies do you have?", I really had to brace myself, to not just lean over and kiss him. What was wrong with me? I've never had so strong feelings for a boy. And I didn't even know him very well! "Bambi?", he asked smiling his crooked smile. 'Haha, very funny', I thought by myself. "I don't like that movie. It's so sad! What about 'The Tourist'? With Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie? That's a great movie! Do you have it?"

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