Chapter 12

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"That was so much fun!", I smiled at the boys and they smiled back. "I'm glad you enjoyed it!", Harry said. We sat in his car on the way back to his and Louis' flat. "Yeah, we should do this again!", Niall added. We arrived at his apartment and he jumped off the car. "See ya tomorrow!" I smiled because he was just so cute. During these days he was like a brother to me. "So, what do you want to do tonight?", Harry asked me. "I don't know. Do you have any plans?" "Uhm, I wanted to watch an old movie, want to join me?", he turned to me for a second, then looked back forward. "I'd love to! What movie?" "Maybe something with Audrey Hepburn?" "Oh my god, I love her! She was such a talented and beautiful woman!" That was the truth. I really loved her and her movies. "I know right?" I just wanted to reply, when my phone rung. My first thought was Robert, but luckily it was my mom. "I mom!", I answered. "Hello honey! How has your week been so far?" "Great! Niall offered me to come to London to be with all the boys and today Harry, Niall and me went golfing!" I didn't want her to tell about Robert, especially not with Harry sitting next to me. "That sounds like you're having a lot of fun!", my mom replied happily. "I do! And it's only Monday!" I realised how much I experienced so far and grinned to Harry. He smiled back, surely wondering what I was thinking about. "I hope you're having a great week then, honey. I love you!" "Love you too, mommy!", I answered and we hung up. "So that was your mom?", Harry asked me smiling his crooked smile. I tried not to melt. "Uhm, yes it was. She wanted to know if I had fun the recent days." "And did you have?" "Of course I did! Meeting you guys was the best experience I've made so far!", I exclaimed and Harry laughed.

We arrived at the flat and I told Harry that I was too tired to still watch a movie. "Maybe tomorrow", he replied, wishing me a good night. As I got to my bedroom, I just threw my clothes off and slipped into my pyjama. I fell asleep instantly.

The next morning I woke up well rested. I brushed my teeth and went to the kitchen. Louis was already awake, but it seemed like Harry was still asleep. "Good morning!", Louis welcomed me as he saw me. "Morning, Louis! Is Harry still asleep?", I asked him and he nodded. I cooked myself and the boys some scrambled eggs and Louis and I ate our breakfast together. "How was golfing yesterday?", Louis asked me while eating. "It was fun, even though I lost", I smiled and Louis smiled back. "What is planned for today?", I asked him. "We're going to have a TV interview later and then some free time", he answered. We finished our eggs and I went to take a shower while Louis wanted to wake Harry up. Later we all sat in Harry's car on the way to the TV studio. We were singing along with the radio, when I got a message.

From: Mommy

Honey, you won't believe it! You're in nearly every newspaper and magazine!! Don't know if you already read what they say about you, but I hope it isn't true! call me later!!!

mom xx

I WAS WHAT?? "Harry, please stop the car" I had to see it with my own eyes. "What? Why should I stop?", Harry asked me confused. "Please just stop the car somewhere next to a shop. Please!" He still looked at me like I was dumb, but finally stopped the car. I jumped out of it and ran to the next kiosk. I looked at the magazines there and were on shock: There was a big picture of me and Harry in his car on nearly every magazine with the headline: 'Mysterious blonde girl went golfing with One Direction's Harry Styles yesterday. His new girlfriend?'

I bought the magazine and went to Harry's car again. "What the hell did you do?", Harry asked me. I showed him the article of us. "Oh", was the only thing he said. "Shit!", Louis added. "Yes. My mother told me I was in nearly every magazine and I just had to buy one to see what they say about me." "I see.. But let's just forget about this. We know better and we'll make it right on that TV interview", Harry said, trying to calm me down. I nodded. He would fix it. I repeated these words in my mind, so that I nearly believed in it.

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