Chapter 10

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After I got my jacket and put some mascara on, I heard my phone ringing. I ran into the kitchen and saw Milly's number on the phone. "Hello?", I answered it a bit breathless. "Noey, I am so, so, so sorry! I gave Robert your number, I thought he was a nice guy, but now he's on his way to London, he mumbled something about a date! Oh gosh, I hope he doesn't find you! Don't leave the house! I think he's obsessed with you or something. I'm so sorry I gave him your number!" She finally stopped talking. "It's ok", I replied, "He won't find me. And even if he does, what could he do? I'm with the boys and their security. Everything's fine!" "Ok, ok. I'm glad you forgive me. Call me later this day, ok?" I agreed and hung up. Harry looked at me confused. I really forgot that he was still sitting there. "It was just Milly saying sorry for giving some creepy boy my number", I explained. "Robert?" "Yeah, how do you know?" "Uhm I'm just good in listening", he answered quickly. I looked at him for a moment. He didn't look back. "Well", I sighed, "We're late! I bet Louis and the boys are waiting for us downstairs" They were. "Finally!", Niall sighed enervated, "What did you do the whole time?" Harry and I looked at each other and grinned. "I don't wanna know, really!", Niall added after seeing our smiles. "We really did not what you are thinking!", I giggled, "I just had an important call to answer!" "Uh, the 'I-needed-to-call'-excuse, I see!", Zayn said sarcastically and we all burst into laughing. "Okay, okay", I said in tears, "We already were late and now we're even later, so hurry everybody!" We jumped into the car quickly and drove to the boys' photo shoot.

I had to wait outside the room, where the boys went to make the photos. I tried calling Robin again because I wanted to tell him that I defiantly wasn't going to go out with him! He didn't answer the phone, so I texted him:

Robin, I am sorry, but I don't want to go out with you. I am not ready for the next relationship yet. I hope you understand. Noelle

A few seconds later Robin answered:

Okay, hun. see ya later then ;)

What?? Didn't I tell him that I was NOT going to date him? Maybe I should go and tell him in person. I sighed and put my phone back into my pocket. I looked at my watch and it said 4pm. The boys have been shooting for nearly an hour now, I hoped it wasn't going to take much longer anymore. As I began to think about leaving, the door finally opened and Louis came out. "You can take a look at this studio now, of you want to!" I jumped off my chair and followed Louis into the room. It was really bright in there and there was a great white canvas with lights all around. On the other side of the room, where many tables next to each other formed a really long one with a large assortment of makeup and other stuff for face and hair, the other boys stood and talked with a man, who was definitely gay. Not that I didn't like gay people, it was just the way he moved and dressed that showed me he was gay. And the way he talked: "So, you liked this shoot? Well, that's great then. I'll send you the photos when their in the magazine, okay? But where is my next model? I've been waiting for her for five minutes now!" He turned around and looked at me. "Oh there you are, honey! Finally! You're beautiful, darling! And not as thin as the others, that's great! Stella?", he looked at a young brunette woman, "Could you please do your job and dress her?" Stella came over to me and before I knew what happened, she pulled me to the makeup corner. "Uhm, Noelle is not a model! I know, she looks like one, but she's a friend of us!", Harry stepped in. "Oh really? She's not a model? I'm wondering why. Well then, I'm sorry Noelle.", the man said, "But here's my number, so if you have time, you can always come for a photo shoot!" "Well, uhm, thank you.", I looked at the business card he gave me and read 'Ronald Rais, Photographer'. The other boys grinned and I blushed a bit. Damn it!

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