Chapter 9

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"Wait a second!" Harry stood up and went to a cupboard next to the TV. It took a bit, until he found the DVD. "Here it is!", Harry held the movie up and put the disk in. As he sat down next to me again, the movie started. I think Harry wanted to put his arm around me a few times, but then left it.

When the movie ended, Louis wasn't back yet and I was so tired that I had to keep my eyes open, otherwise I would have been asleep in two or three seconds. "You really want to go to bed now, don't you?", Harry asked and I nodded, to tired to say a word. He guided me to my room and as soon as I lay in my bed, I was asleep.


She looked so cute, when she was sleeping! Well, everybody does. I wanted to turn back and leave the room, as her phone vibrated. I couldn't resist and took a look on it.

New message

From: Milly

Hey Hun!

How was ur week so far? You know that you're the luckiest girl ever don't ya? Rob called me, he wanted to know where you are and if I could give him your number. I told him that I have to ask you first. shall I do it?

love ya xx

Rob? Who was Rob? It was obviously the short form of 'Robert'. But who was he? And why did he want to have Noelle's number? Did they date or something? Maybe she had a boyfriend? I haven't asked her yet! I decided to ask her tomorrow and went to bed.


I woke up because my phone rung. "Hello?", I answered sleepy. "Hey darling!", someone said at the other end of the line. "Who's there?", I asked. "Uhm, it's Robert! You know, the boy you are dating?!" Robert, Robert... Ah! Now I remembered him. But what did he just say? The boy you are DATING?! "Uhm, Robert we are not-" "Yeah, I know, I miss you too!", he interrupted me. "No I mean-", I tried again, but Robert was faster: "A date? Wow, you really like me, huh? Milly told me where you are and I'm on my way. I should be in London in about two hours. I'll call you then. See you!" I wanted to protest, but he hang off. What the hell did just happen? Do I really have to go to a date with him now? I sighed and jumped off the bed. I have met Robert on a party a few weeks ago. We talked a bit, but he just wasn't my type, so I didn't give him my number. He was a bit strange. Maybe I should change my number now. I took a quick shower and went to the kitchen. Louis and Harry sat there, eating toast and scrambled eggs. "Morning! Do you want to have some?", Louis smiled as he saw me. "Yes please!", I recognised now how hungry I was. Harry didn't look at me and I was wondering, if I have said something wrong yesterday. I couldn't remember. Maybe he was just tired?

After breakfast Louis went to get the other boys, they had a photo shooting today. Louis asked me, whether I wanted to come with them and I agreed. I went to my room to get my jacket and left my phone on the kitchen table.


Noelle's phone vibrated again. Another message. I looked in the floor for her, but she went to her bedroom and didn't hear her phone. I grabbed it and read the message.

New message

From: Robert

Hey darling! I can't wait for our date! I bet you're going to look beautiful as always! love ya xoxo rob

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