Cole Runs

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Attention It Is Now 9 o'clock. You are to stay inside and lock all doors. Do not go outside until sunrise. Thank you and good night.

"Do we have to stay inside?" Sweet little Carly asked Avery. Her 17 year old sister.

"Yes. Always." Avery replied.

"Why? I want to stay up!"

"No. Mom always told us not to ask any questions."

"Where is mom? What happened to her?"

"Mom's gone. She went outside when she wasn't supposed to. End of story."

"End of mom's story?" Carly asked as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"No more questions. Time for bed." Avery insisted as she locked the billion locks on the door and pushed Carly up the stairs.

"Aweeee can I please wake up a little bit early to see it?" Carly pleaded.

"No." Avery replied sternly and she closed the door. Making sure to lock it so Carly wouldn't have any ideas.

Hours passed and Carly was surely asleep. Avery never slept these days. Thinking of sleep seemed tiring. Ever since her mom disappeared. Avery hadn't slept a wink at night. She couldn't imagine losing Carly.

Avery snapped back into reality when she heard someone or something pound on the door. She sat up and walked over to the door.

"Hello?" She said cautiously through a tiny crack in the door.

"Avery it's me. Open up. Quick." Cole Avery's best friend said sounding a bit scared.

"Cole?" Avery said as she quickly opened the door then began locking the door back up.

"What are you doing here? Avery said confused.

"Well. My Uh. Brother kinda went outside without me knowing. I kinda need to find him." Cole said as he looked at the floor nervously.

"Cole! How could you let this happen! Don't you guys have locks?"

"State of the art."

"What am I supposed to do about your missing brother? He's your responsibility."

"I was thinking maybe you could...Ya know...Help me?" Cole said

"Are you insane? You can't be serious." Avery half yelled.

"100% Serious." Cole said with a straight face.

"Cole. You know I don't go out! Do you realize how dangerous it is?"

"Yes! That's why I need you help! Avery I can't just leave him out there!"

"I completely understand but you need to understand that I can't just leave Carly alone."

"Then bring her!"Cole practically pleaded.

"Are you Insane???? Me bring my only family to the place where I lost most of my family? You've got to be kidding."

"Avery if we don't hurry then my only family is going to be gone. Please. I'm begging you." Cole stated.

"Ugh...But Cole you know that those...Things...Are roaming the streets everywhere! They are definitely not

going to care that he is your family." Avery said.

"Avery. Those things might have my brother. You still have a family member. If you don't help me then I won't have any family members. Avery. I could die out there."

"Okay. But not for to long. I want to be back before sunrise so Carly doesn't realize i'm gone. It's against the community rules to leave a 6 year old alone at night." Avery finally said.

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