You're Not The Avery I Thought You Were

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On the ground there was a body. Not just any body. It was the rotting body of Ms.Carpenter. Or as she liked to be called Avery's Cool Hip Mom. But you know...The dead version...

Cole was terrified. But he didn't know what it meant,how did she get in Avery's closet? The story always was that she went outside when she wasn't allowed to,but was that story really just a tale? Perhaps a cover?

What he couldn't figure out was for what? What was it a cover for? Avery would never have done it. But maybe he didn't know Avery as well as he thought. Maybe it was all a lie. What if Avery had been lying this whole time. Finding this made him want to run and never stop running.

But he needed to know what actually happened. What secrets there actually are. He didn't know how to bring it up. Just saying: Hey why is your dead mom upstairs? Yeah that wouldn't cut it. He'd probably end up with her stuffed in the closet.

First he'd start out by apologizing. The idea of facing her after he figured out she isn't who she claims was terrifying. He shivered with fear as he walked down the stairs. He didn't know where she was. He turned the corner and felt a bucket of pain and then saw nothing but black.


Avery sat on the kitchen ground in front of Carly's non-moving non-breathing body. Here was a wooden curtain rod sticking out of her chest. It was a graphic scene. The strange thing was that Avery's eyes were dry. She just killed her own sister but her eyes were dry. She was still mad at Cole but it didn't matter anymore. Nothing did. She stopped thinking because she heard noises from upstairs. Not a Nasty noise. A person.


Cole slowly opened his eyes. He started to stand but then quickly sat back down. His leg was tied to a chair. His shirt was stained a dark dark red. Almost brown. He had a small chest wound.

"Look what we have here. I think i've caught myself a little sneak." Avery said.

"A-A-Avery? What happened? A sneak? What?" Cole replied confused.

"Don't play dumb Cole. I know you saw her."

"Saw who? Carly?" Cole replied holding on to his chest wound.

"Really? We're gonna do it this way? Alright. It's more fun for me anyway." Avery said as she swung the curtain rod at his head knocking him cold out.

Avery dragged Cole over to a corner and tied his hands to the back of a chair. She didn't know what she turned into. She was a monster. Cole was her best friend. But he was friends with the fake Avery. He didn't know who she actually was.

 She should have felt ashamed,but she didn't. Of course she was a little ashamed because Cole had found out her secret.

She stood at the kitchen counter thinking of what her plan was. She can't just leave Cole tied there. But she could dump him outside.

She waited 10 more minutes so she knew for sure that Cole would wake up before the Nasty's got to him. She slowly untied the rope and dragged the unconscious body down the hall to the back door. She set him down and propped him up against the wall. Then just like that she closed the door and went back to everyday life.

.-. Sorry. This was a short one. Have a fantastic Day/Night.-.

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