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This book is full of wrong grammars and typos, please bear with it. Thanks.

Asahina Yuumiko

  I glanced again to my roommate, she's been a great friend for me after being together with her in the same room for 4 years. In those 4 years, I didn't communicate well with my family. I'm a lot more busy than any average highschool student and I'm happy that my hardwork is now being recognized! I'm going to the same college as Iori!

"Hey, take care here, don't let any boys enter our dorm while I'm gone. I don't like their strong perfumes and I know that you also don't." I said while carrying my bag, my best friend Mai, only rolled her eyes, patting my shoulder before kissing my cheeks.

"I know, I couldn't believe my own ears that you're finally going." She said and giggled.

"It's because I'm smart." I said in a joking manner but hey, it's true anyway.

"Oh my, what a sassy bitch." She hissed and smack my head, making me pout, I hug her side.

"I'll miss you, Mai." I whispered while blushing, it's so hard to express your feelings into words.

"I know, I'm your best friend and this girl will also miss you." She said and as I look down to her, she's already wiping some tears, I think it's normal to cry in this moment but I couldn't let my mask slip. If I'll cry with her too then who's gonna comfort her?

"Don't cry anymore, I'll call, I-I'll even visit you." I said and patted her head.

"J-Just take care, you idiotic bitch!" She said while crying, I sighed and pull her to a tight hug.

  Mai cried harder before guiding me out of our school, waving her hand to me before a limousine stopped in front of me, our family butler quickly dashed to me and put my things inside, I muttered a small thank you before glancing to my best friend one last time, smiling sincerely. I went inside the car only to be greeted by my mother. I don't really like her, we have a very complicated relationship.

"I'm so happy that you finally considered going back to our home." She said while smiling, I looked away from her face, looking outside the window again.

"I heard that you're getting remarried." I said, venom dripping from my voice. I remained calm and emotionless.

"Yes, I hope that you'll give me another chance to be your mother, Yuumiko." She said in a sad voice, I only chuckled while shaking my head.

"You're making me laugh." I said before closing my eyes.

  It'll take us an hour and a few minutes before we reach the residence so I think sleeping is the best option for me now, just to avoid her.


"Honey, wake up, were here." I could feel someone shaking my shoulder as I slowly wake up, my back is so stiff, the same as my neck. I quickly realize that my mother is touching me, making me slap her hands.

"Don't touch me with your filthy hands." I said while looking at her angrily.

  I went outside the car and grab my bag from our butler before looking back at my mother, she only smiled before the limousine drove away, she must be arranging her wedding, that's stressful. I'm now standing outside our very own residence and I don't know how to approach everyone in the house, it's been 4 years since I last saw them, I might be a stranger to them now.

"Andromeda! Don't! Stop running!" I heard someone yelling before a big poodle run over me, making me stumble and fall on my back as the dog barked on my face.

"Hi." I said and let the dog smell my hand, I look under, you know where and figured out that the dog is male.

"I'm so sorry, are you all right?" Someone ask me, pulling away the dog as I slowly stand up.

"Yeah, I'm fine. What a beautiful dog." I said and chuckled, the male in front of me only scratch the back of his head while blushing shyly. I give a light pat to the dog before looking back to the owner.

"I guess I'll go now, it's nice meeting you." I said and bowed my head before going inside the gate of our residence.

  As I enter the lobby of our house, I noticed some change inside, they're being a lot more creative now, I guess it'll take me more time to get used living in here again. I drag myself inside the elevator to go upstairs the living room, but before the doors could close, a female wearing a school uniform entered the elevator and stood beside me. I only look away with a frown in my face, Who's she!?


  I went out the elevator but the female only stayed inside, she smiled at me before the doors closed, she's weird. The tapping of my shoes were enough to catch the attention of my brothers who are talking in the living room, they all look so mature and handsome.

"Yuumi?" Masaomi-nii is the first one to notice me, I smiled to him before I bow.

"It's nice to see you again, Onii-san." I said and look at them.

"She's Yuumi?" My redhead brother ask, I turn to face Yuusuke and nodded my head.

"Hello, Yuusuke-kun~" I said, teasing him slightly which worked, seeing him became a blushing mess made me giggle.

"Why don't you take a sit with us, Imouto." Kaname-nii said with his caring voice and I slowly went to sit beside Subaru-nii.

  We all talked casually but I can still sense the awkward atmosphere around us siblings, we'll all get used to this. Wataru is sitting on my lap when I heard someone running to me, I turn my head to face the person only to meet my opposite gender.

"Yuumiko!?" Yep, that's Fuuto, my twin brother.

  He's Fuuto Asahina, a jerk, a narcissistic guy and oh! He's my twin brother.


Sorry for my grammatical errors and typos!

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