Chapter 2

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  I woke up beside Fuuto and I quickly brush him off, remembering that I need to go to school, with Iori, Fuuto suddenly tightens his hug from me and I just frown, he's still a clingy one.

"Hey! wake up!" I yelled and he slowly open his eyes.

"Early bird." he muttered and rolled his eyes before letting go.

"I need to go to school with Iori." I said and took my towel from my cabinet.

"Fine, just go home safely, don't flirt!" he said and I smirked.

"I'm not Fuuto Asahina to flirt around our school." I said and he groans before sleeping again.

  I took a quick shower and wear a uniform like Iori's but the difference is, It has a skirt that is too short for my slender legs. I put my hair into a messy bun and wear my white knee socks then my 3 inch strapped black shoes. I get my bag and books inside our walk in closet and sighed. I need to adjust again, I miss Mai.

"Yuumiko, you look stunning!" Yuusuke said as I enter the living room to wait for Iori.

"I know right." I said boastfully.

"Tss, she's like her twin." Kaname said while sipping his tea.

I sit down on the single couch and I could sense that someone is staring at me and I was right as I look into Ema's eyes, it was full of jealousy, she wants attention? What a lewd woman she is.

"Yuusuke, can you hand me a paper?" I ask and he quickly give me one. I smiled before writing down my phone number.

"Here, this is my new number, save it to your phone." I said and give it to Iori who just came late.

"Sure and let's go, were late." he said and I nodded.

I just followed him and we both enter the limousine, Iori give me a card and I frowned.

"What's the use of this?" I ask.

"In our school, we use that to enter the gate, you just need to swipe that card on a monitor and the gate will be open for you." he said and I smiled.

"Thanks." I said and he just nodded.

  Sometimes I don't like being alone with Iori, I can still remember the things that we did when we were kids back then, we pranks on our other siblings.

After a few minutes, we both exited the limousine and he said that he needs to go to his class, he's already late and he told our butler to guide me inside, our butler guide me inside the headmaster's office and as I enter, I quickly cover my eyes. Jesus!

"Oh! faster!" a girl moaned.

"Get off!" suddenly the headmaster yelled. I just waited for a few minutes before I take my hands off my eyes.

"I'm so sorry for ---"

"It's okay, just lock the door." I cut him off before getting my schedule and name plate on his table.

  The butler guided me inside my classroom, he seems to know the blueprint of this school, what a genius butler he is.

"Good morning Ms. Naga, I'm the transfer student." I said as I enter the room.

"Oh! Ms. Asahina, please introduce yourself." she said and I nodded before stepping on the platform.

"Good morning everyone, I'm Yuumiko Asahina, I'm a transfer student from Fujiwara University, Please be nice to me." I said and bow.

"She's from Fujiwara!?"

"That school is for genius students right!?"


I hear them, clearly, whispering informations from my past school, I just shrugged it off and sat beside a guy with a white hair and blue eyes, he's beautiful.

  I listen to our teacher intently when suddenly my seatmate poke my cheeks.

"Hey you're cute." he said. I look at him with my emotionless eyes.

"I saw you with your brother Iori." he said and I smirked.

"Fuck off." I said before looking into my ballpen.

He didn't spoke and It made me smile, I really don't like guys, Irony, I have 13 brothers.


  As the bell rung I quickly pack my things and as I can see, Iori is outside our room. I chuckled softly before walking to him.


I mentally face palmed as Hiroshi yelled then pull me by my arm.

"Let's have a lunch---"

"Who's that?" suddenly Iori ask.

"My seatmate." I said and I felt Hiroshi tensed.

"Let's go." Iori said and pull my hand.

"Wait! who are you?" Hiroshi asks.

"I'm Iori Asahina." he answer and Hiroshi's eyes widens.


"I miss you!" suddenly a guy hugs me, making me fall on the floor.

"Fuuto!" I almost yelled.

"Why are you here?" Iori ask him.

"It's also our break and my school is just inches away from here." Fuuto said and help me to stand up.

Iori shrugged and suddenly Fuuto raised his right eyebrow to Hiroshi.

"Who's this guy?" Fuuto ask.

"I'm Hiroshi Kain, her seatmate." Hiroshi said, "and, who are you?" he added.

"I'm her husband." Fuuto suddenly said and I think the veins on my head popped.

   Fuuto is a huge Idiot!


Sorry about my wrong grammars and typos!


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