Chapter 1

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The next day comes and I'm still inside our room, I'm currently reading a book for knowledge, I didn't again eat my lunch and dinner yesterday, They thought that I did go down to eat last night, I think.

"Yuumiko, Masomi is looking for you, he said that you need to eat with us." Iori said and I nodded.

"By the way, welcome back." he said and hug me, I faced his chest and sniff his smell

"Thanks, nii-san." I said and he chuckled and let go.

"We'll wait for you, downstairs." he said and I nodded.

As he left me, I just brush my brown hair and let it fall until it reaches my waist, I fixed the mess of my shirt and finally felt satisfied with it. I left my room and enter the elevator, my brother Louis also enter it and smiled softly.

"You're home." he said and I nodded, of all of my brothers, Louis is one of my favorite, he's so calm.

"I am." I answer.

"We missed you." he said and hug me.

The elevator stopped, he chuckled and let go of me, silently, I walk behind him as we enter the dining room. Were not complete but I just sit silently beside Masaomi-nii, he's sitting on the end of our table.

"Fuuto is coming home," Ukyo-nii said and I nodded.

"Aren't you happy?" Iori ask me and I just smiled softly.

"I am." I tell them and sit in front Ema. She smiled and I just nodded my head, I feel uncomfortable around her.

"Someone told me that my beautiful sister is back," Kaname enter the room in his monk outfit, we kissed each other's cheeks and he sit down beside Yuusuke.

"How's your study? Yuumiko?" Ukyo-nii ask and I nodded.

"I finished my highschool and maybe I'll take the same school as Iori." I said and they nodded.

"Why not with us?" Yuusuke asked and I rolled my eyes.

"You're a douche, I don't like seeing youbaround." I said and he blush in anger.

"You little---"

"Stop that, were eating." Masaomi-nii said and I nodded.

After we eat Iori decided that I should go with him in his school, also to manage my things in that school, I'm gonna transfer and it's so sad for an introvert like me, I only like Mai as my friend. She's not using me the way the others did before.

I wear my casual clothes, A grey spaghetti strap dress that ends in mid-thigh is okay, maybe, I pair it with my white flats and black cardigan. I look so dull.

"Let's go?" Iori peeked fromthe door and I nodded before holding my pouch, I just need to bring my money, ATM cards (in case of emergency) and my phone.

I follow my brother until we reach his car, it looks so nice outside our house, I enter the front seat and we didn't even talk so the silence eat us.

Suddenly my phone vibrated and I sigh before answering it,


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