Chapter 8

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  I woke up without Fuuto beside me, of course, in our father's mansion we have our separate rooms. I yawned and enter my bathroom and did a quick shower.

"Yuumi?" Fuuto entered my room, yawning as I zip up my dress.

"Still sleepy?" I ask and he nodded.

"Try to---"

"Not again Yuumi, I prefer being sleepy all day long than be your rat." he cut me off and I giggled and ruffled his hair.

Yes, his voice became raspy before when I put him in my experiment, I make him eat cherries and almonds that'll help him to sleep but the side effects are dangerous that's why I'm still guilty as hell right now.

"Yuumiko, I need to go for my recordings, do you want to go with me?" he ask and I nodded.

"But I need to buy a book first, I'll just come after you." I said and he nodded and get out my room.

I fix myself and pick up my wallet and phone, honestly, I hate wearing dress but father likes me wearing them, he said that a princess like me shouldn't wear just normal clothes anywhere, it would be a shame, somehow, I want to punch him, large shirt is the most comfortable clothing that I've been living for.

I enter the dining hall and requested for a sandwich, after I ate, I exited the mansion and a car is ready to go with me, I ask the driver If I could just drive the car, at first he didn't let me but because I'm intelligent he let me of course.

I open the radio of the car and smiled,

"Laughing on the outside..." I smirked while singing with the radio.

"Crying on the inside...'Cause I am...So inlove with you~"

I finished the song as I parked the car, I quickly get out of it and entered the mall, as I enter it someone hold my shoulder and turn me to face him or her of whatever it's gender.

"Yuumiko?" oh! it's just Kain.

"Hi." I said plainly.

"What are you doing here?" he ask and I rolled my eyes.

"This is a public place Kain, I can go here everyday or whenever I want to." I said and he rub his nape.

"Well, can we go together?" he ask and I nodded before entering a boutique.

  I bought some clothes and Kain is silently watching me, I sighed boredly and ask if he needs to buy something and we enter a gaming shop, I believe that this person beside me is a player, buying a new game disk for a ps4 huh?

Kain bought an equipment for virtual reality and I even suggested for a better model and I'm not surprised that he bought what I said, he's a rich ass kid.


  Kain is good to be with but I need to hurry for Fuuto's recordings, I buy some snacks for Fuuto and bid my goodbye to Kain.

"I enjoyed going with you today Yuumiko, thank you!" he said and I just smiled while blushing.

  I enter the car and started to drive until I reach the agency which Fuuto's been working in, there's so many people flocking around and I massage my temple, I need to find the backdoor to enter the building safely.

"Fuuto! Marry me!"

"I love you Fuuto!"

"He has 12 brother's right? can I have one!?"

Fans and their noises, honestly they never knew that Fuuto has a twin, I never existed, I don't want to ruin his image, not him.

I enter the building but got some scratches from the fans as I skipped from them to go to the backdoor, I sighed and quickly found Fuuto's recording studio.

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