Chapter 25

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  And here I am, currently back in my room in the hospital, dad says that he'll give me a month because he's currently busy for his work, I don't really have a problem since the I trust the technology here.

"Hey, I've already finished my homework. Do you want to go outside for air?" Fuuto asked me and I just nodded before sitting on a wheelchair, I just had my radiation therapy and I really felt so weak after it.

"You want some water?" he ask and I shook my head 'no'.

"Okay then, let's head to in the garden." he said and I just smiled.

"Are you really okay with dad? I mean, it's better if you're already in New York." he said and I sigjed

"I'm fine with it but if my body can't take it anymore, I might go there myself." I said and Fuuto just ruffled my hair.

"Well, our big brothers will go with you so I don't have any worries." he said.

As we reached the garden, Fuuto sat on the bench as I let him help me to sit beside him, I was a bit ashamed that he's helping me doing this simple task.

"Hey, what if I die during the medication?" I ask Fuuto and he froze for a second before his bangs cover his eyes, casting a shadow over his eyes.

"I don't know, because I all I know I'd that you're strong, you're intelligent Yuumiko so you should already know what will happen." he said.

"Fuuto, having CML is fatal, I just noticed it when I came back here, CML is hard to notice because it's symptoms only shows rarely. That's why I didn't knew and now it's already fatal and I can die anytime!" I almost yelled and Fuuto look at me angrily.

"You're not going to die! you're gonna stay here with us and live your life!" he said as he grasped both of my shoulders tightly.

"You're smart Fuuto, more than I am. I'm saying this to you because there's a higher percent that I'll die during the medication, I just want you to know---"

"I love you, I love you, I love you..."

  Fuuto cut me off as he hug me and whisper how he loves me so much, He really feels like home and I want to stay with him forever.


My second task is to go to a trip with Kain but I can't go outside the town with him, so maybe I'll just watch the cherry blossoms with him.

"Yuumi..." Iori entered my room and kissed my cheeks as he placed a chair beside my bed.

"Are you okay?" he ask me, I probably look so tired because of my pale skin and tired eyes.

"Yeah, I just read an angst story." I said and smiled.

"Hmm, what do you want to do for today?" he asks and I look at him before hugging his neck.

"What if I kiss you?" I ask and he blushed, so hard that he looked like a tomato, kawaii!

"Ohayou Yuumi! suddenly Yuusuke entered my room and saw what happened.

"What the heck---"

"Your language Yuusuke!" Ukyo said and slap Yuusuke with a pan in his hand, I don't know where he get it so don't ask.

"Hey, were here to ask if you want to go outside the town and watch the cherry blossom trees?" Ukyo ask as he sat beside me.

I let go if Kain and smiled to him before turning to my older brother, Ukyo.

"Ne, look at that eyebags, they really look horrible, do you want to be anemic? stop sleeping so late, you're tiring yourself out." I said and brush his hair before taking off his glasses and kissing his eyelids.

"Gomen, I was working for a hard case right now." he said and smiled gently.

"You work so hard, you deserve some good rest." I said and hugged him.

Honestly I think, Ukyo is the most underrated brother in our household, he's always in the kitchen, his room and his work place, he hardly rakes care of himself!

"So maybe we can have Kain with us?" I ask with puppy eyes.

"I knew it." Yuusuke said while glaring at Kain.

"Cut it out Yuusuke before I pull out your eyeballs." I said and Ukyo giggled.

"Then it's settled." he said before Kain put his hand on mine.

"I love you." I mouthed, he smiled and responded, 'I love you too.'

   Oh God! just let me stay with him forever, I just want to spend my moments with this adorable guy.


Taking off my gloves, I sighed, since it's winter there's no really sakura tress in bloom, so were visiting an artificial one! it might only be an artificial but it's alright it's not the place that make's everything special, it's the moment and the people around you.

"Hey, are you ready?" Fuuto ask, were currently in our room at sunrise residence, were packing our things, were visiting Okinawa so were gonna stay there for three days, also Fuuto is having a concert there.

(A/N : I know that Fuuto did his Christmas concert somewhere but I'm just gonna move it here in Okinawa and change the plot, I'm sorry!)

"Ah yes, I already packed my cloths and my medicines!" I said cheerfully before I let my body fall on the bed.

"It's so soft!" I said and I heard Fuuto giggled.

Suddenly I felt two hands on my waist, the spot where it tickles! oh my gosh!

"Hahaha! stop--- hahahaha! Fuu---to!" I can barely speak as I roll on my bed.

"Hahaha, you're face is as red a tomato!" he said and I just kick him on his gut before running out our room.

  Fuuto just yelled my name before he also went out our room, I know that he have my bag so no worries, he won't let me hold my bag.

"What's the commotion upstairs?" Masaomi asked and smiled.

"Nothing!" I said before going to kitchen and getting my fresh milk in a tumbler.

'ding  dong'

"It's Kain!" I said and put down my tumbler beside Wataru who's playing some video games with Ema.

  I rushed inside the elevator and I saw Iori got in first, I greet him good morning and ask about his studies and his life before the elevator open and I just waved good bye to him.

"Kain!" I quickly opened our gate before hugging him.

"Hey, good morning, how's my princess?" he ask and I just pouted.

"I missed you." I said and he just smiled before kissing my forehead.

"It looks like were all ready." he said before gulping down, I look behind us, seeing my brothers smiling while looking possessively on me.

Oh well, I think they can handle staying with each other for three days.


I'm really sorry for my LATE updates, I'm really super busy these days and it's because of school works, I know, I know it's a typical excuse BUT FCKKKK! NO!!!


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