Chapter 4

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I woke up without Fuuto on my side, a letter was left on my study table, I brushed my eyes before silently reading it.


I'm sorry if I left you, I was needed in our studio today, early in the morning and your breakfast is in the ref, just reheat it and eat with Iori, don't flirt at school.

I love you,
Fuuto your Handsome twin

I giggled lightly as I finish the letter, thanking him silently for the food that he left, he knew me well, I don't honestly eat breakfast, I just go straight to the school then I'll just eat more at school in our lunch.

"Yuumiko, are you free tonight?" Azusa ask me as we ate silently.

"I don't know but I must read the new book that I just bought." I said while eating my steak.

"Can you do it after you go with us?" he ask and I frown.

"Where?" I ask.

"Were having this little event---"

"Fine, I'll go." I said as I sigh.

"Thanks, little sis!" he said and Iori chuckled, I almost smile, It's been a long time since I heard that chuckle of his.

"Yuumiko, before you leave, don't forget your monthly medical check-up." Masaomi-nii entered the dining hall and inform me.

"Yes, Masaomi-nii." I said and pour some orange juice for myself.

"Lil' sis is going to our event?" Tsubaki suddenly ask as he enter the dining hall, behind him is Wataru.

"Yes," Azusa said.

  Tsubaki was cheering together with Wataru and I just smiled a bit as I finished eating, I told Iori that I'll go to school without him, I want to explore it without him, I think I can manage.

I bring nothing with me, just my bag, money and myself. I was walking and I need to cross the street, as I silently walk suddenly a car came across and hit me,

I can't move.

I can't hear a thing.

I want to open my eyes.

I want my twin.

I remember it again.

Fuuto's POV

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